Last first kiss

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I've been reading this amazing fanfic and now my fanfic seems really crap compared to others and it has no solid plot and tbh I want to stop writing it and create another. I don't know!? Please tell me what you think?



"YOU IDIOT!" she screamed.

"Katie! I'm sorry baby im ever so sorry!" I replied, trying to hug her. She pushed me away as she tried to remove her smoke ridden dressing gown.

"Get off me!! And don't call me that!' Katie emphasised on the word 'don't'. I felt hurt. I know that I hurt Katie and all that but I was trying ever so hard to make it up to her and she threw it back in my face. Although I did nearly set her on fire...

"I'm going back in! And you better clear this all away!" She stormed back inside her house and slammed the door. I walked over to get a bucket I had earlier filled with water and one by one I collected the tea lights and placed them in the water. They fizzed out and a small stream of smoke floated out after each light went out. After I had extinguished all of the candles I set the bucket on the ground and laid down on the damp grass. A sigh was released from my lips as my body sank into the ticklish grass. I looked up to see a light on in Katie's bedroom, I could see her shadow behind the curtains. I wondered what she was doing...


I grabbed my short red dress, otherwise know as my 'pulling' dress and put it on. I decided that I was going to go out, clubbing. I quickly applied some make up and I called a taxi. I filled a clutch bag with essentials, money, ID, make up and I headed out the front to wait for the taxi to arrive. It was pretty chilly eventhough it was summertime. I tapped my toes whilst waiting, my street was pretty dead apart from the odd passing car. My taxi soon arrived and I made my way into town. I hadn't told anyone that I was heading out so I didn't know who I was going to bump into. The taxi dropped me off in the centre of town, I payed my fee and i made my way to the busiest club in town. There was quite a long queue to get in and I pulled a face, the bouncer at the door noticed that I was on my own and let me straight it. Once I was inside the club my head started to spin. The smokey atmosphere, the bright lights, the booming music and the stench of alcohol made me feel extremely dizzy. The room was spinning and I began loosing my balance and staggered instead of walking. Many people gave me funny looks and thought I was drunk already but it wasn't even 9pm. I walked over to the bar and ordered a WKD. I gave the barman a few pounds in exchange for my drink. I thanked him and I moved my way to the dance floor. Couples were dancing together, random men and woman were grinding against each other, girls were dancing in big groups and boys were standing together, trying to act and look 'laddish'. I sort of shuffled in between people to find a good spot somewhere on the floor. The song changed, to a more upbeat tune and people started fist pumping the sky and jumping around. I joined in, not wanting to stick out like a sore thumb. I downed my drink and actually started to enjoy myself. Many blokes came up to me and started dancing behind me but I just moved away. Although if they offered to buy me a drink I went along with it. It got late and I guessed that I had had too many drinks but that didn't stop me. I was on the dance floor, yet again, but now I was 'getting close' to the men that had come up to me. I hadn't been out clubbing since before I met Harry but I still had 'it'. One man had been hanging round my for ages begging me to kiss him. I kept brushing it off, saying that I didn't want to. But I did. In the end I just got fed up and I kissed him, there and then. But as soon as our lips locked I regretted it. Harry was the first Person I had ever kissed and I wanted him to be the last. I wanted him to me my last first kiss...


A WKD is an alcopop!

Okay, so at the top I said that I was thinking about stopping this fanfic, and I'm still considering it! I love writing it but I just don't feel like the story isn't going anywhere. And some one said it was 'shit' and I kinda believe that and I don't want to carry on a rubbish story that no one will read? Please tell me what you think?!



Thank you<3

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