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I grabbed my purse off the side and shut the door behind me.  I put the sunglasses that was on my head on my eyes and eased my hair back into place. I was going to meet Jade and we were going to the park, where Harry was playing a bit of football with some friends. I soon got to Jades as she lived only round the corner from me. I knocked on the door and her mother answered. 

"Hey! -Oh, Katie it's you! Haven't seen you in a while" she said. Great, she's bringing up the fact that I've been a shit friend to Jade. I didn't need to be reminded.

"Er, yeah I know, sorry about that..." I went slightly red in the cheeks. Jade walked down from the stairs, located behind where her mum was standing. She was wearing a pale purple summer dress with silver accessories. We said goodbye to her mother and we headed to the park, it was over the other side of the village so it would take us a while to get there. We only spoke about normal things, nothing to do with Niall. But she didn't seem her normal self, a little bit edgy. Maybe she thought that we would bump into him, but she needn't have worried about that. It seemed to take a while to get to the park, especially with the dry conversation and they scorching sun, we weren't used to heat in England. We strolled thought the gates and up the path to the massive playing field. My eyes fixed on Harry and his curly mop straight away. However, he didn't see me coming as he was so into the game. I laid out a blanket and sat back, basking in the sun. However, Jade was sat up, arms stretched out behind her, the grass tickling her palms and the weight of her upper body just resting on her slim arms. I kicked of my gladiator sandals and sighed. This weather was lush! I got out my phone and checked my twitter and facebook. I went on Harry's profile, his picture was one of me and him, it made me smile. I continued to look through his profile pictures, the next one was of him and his mum and then there were a few selfies(awh!). But as I got to slightly older pictures they were mainly of him and girls, which got me slightly paranoid, but I brushed it off. 

After a while of sunbathing and thinking a wolf whistle interruptedmy thoughts. I sat up pretty sharpish and I saw a group of 3 girls walking straight onto the pitch. By the looks the boy's had on their faces, I could tell that they were happy that they'd arrived. The girls all seemed pretty confidence, but one stood out accordingly. She was quite tall, blond, busty but very skinny. I couldn't say that I was envy of her, but she did look as if boy's were all over her. Harry was stood at the back of the bunch of boys but his eyes were drifting up and down, taking in all of her features. 


Oh, she was nasty. Who did she think she was, strutting over like she was 'it'? I don't get why girls caked themselves in make-up. She pushed through the crowd of my friends to the back was standing. She stood right in front of me and bared a grin. 

"Hi!" She said in an extremely fake girly voice. "I'm Dani." She reached in and hugged me, my arms awkwardly wrapped round her. I didn't reply, I felt horrified but her and she'd only said a few words to me. She raised her artificial eyebrows which looked like slugs perched above her eyes. She coughed loudly.

"Oh. I'm Harry." I replied bluntly. 

"Nice name." She winked. Eugh. I turned round to see Katie sitting up, watching us. I turned back to the girl explaining that I had a girlfriend who I loved very much. 

Katie's P.O.V

Oh. My. God. 

He turned away from me, I couldn't believe it! I put my sandals back on and walked over the Harry and this girl. Her arm was round his back and she was giggling at everything he said. I hung about a metre away from them. I started humming loudly, making my presence noticed. Harry's head shot round and he seemed happy to see me. He literally threw the girl off him and came over to me. He lifted me up and kissed me. I could hear her scoffing behind us. We stopped kissing and stood in a tight embrace. I balanced on my tip toes and I could see over Harry's shoulder. The girl was looking at us with daggers. Ha, serves her right for trying it on with Harry. 

"Yeah, well... he's ugly anyway!" the girl said, folding her arms over her chest.

"No, what you mean is that he is too good for you. Bye!" I grabbed Harry's hand and we walked off back to where me and Jade were lounging about. Jade had her phone out and didn't even register what had just happened, typical. The red of Harry's friends were crowded around the 3 shocking girls. 

"Do you really think that I was too good for that girl?" Harry questioned.

"Of course babe!" I said. "You're perfect. Well, for me at least!"


Sorry, this chapter was a bit boring!

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