Chapter 1:

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Disclaimers: All media,pictures and videos aren't mine. Nothing belongs to me except
for the plot. Thank you!

*3rd person POV*

Bright was bored that evening, he had just finished filming another project. Everything was perfect, too perfect perhaps. He had lots of work, but no time for himself. He sighed as he opened a beer, sat down and opened the app that he hasn't opened for months: Tumble. He looked at the messages he had received while on hiatus with the app and nothing striked his fancy. He went and went over the notifications.

Tumble is celebrating it's 5 year anniversary. We are hosting an all Anonymous party tomorrow at 5pm, Saram hotel. Please wear a mask, just register at the entrance so we know you are of attendance. Thanks, we hope to see you there!

'Hmm.. Seems kinda interesting' Brightbsaid as he clicked the button, confirming that he will be attending the event.

He smiled as he then stretched his body, feeling excited for the event tomorrow. Suddenly his phone rang and it was one of the directors he had worked with in the past.

"Hello?" Bright answered.

"Hello N'Bright, good evening. How are you?" P'Champ asked.

"Au. P', I am good. How are you?" Bright asked.

"I am fine. Listen, I know that you just finished filming your series but I have an upcoming series coming up and I think you'd be the perfect fit" P'Champ said.

"Is that so? Is it a BL series and will I be working with Win again?" Bright asked.

"Haha. I know you would ask those things. Yes it's a BL series and no, you won't be paired up with Win this time. I hope it's okay" P'Champ replied.

"Yeah, it's fine P'. I am just asking since he's always been my partner. Do you know who I am paired up with?" Bright asked.

"Only your role is finalized, your pair hasn't been selected yet. We are holding auditions on Monday, I will update you once we know who is selected by the author"P'Champ said.

" I see, well thank you for the call P'Champ and I am looking forward to working with you again"Bright said.

" You too, N'Bright. See you next week then"P'Champ replied.

" Yes P', see you soon. Bye! "Bright replied as he then ended the call.

He went to go wash his face, brush his teeth and did his usual skincare routine. Yes, that's right. He doesn't stay this radiant and handsome without some good ol' skincare. Once he was finished, he got into bed and charged his phone. He closed his eyes and instantly drifted off to sleep.

It was already 7 am, Bright was awoken tby the light from outside. He had forgetten to close the blinds, he usually gets up around 9am in the morning. He stretches his body, got up and made his way to his kitchen. Bright had always lived alone, he was an only child. He's only close to his mother, since his father disapproved of his career choice as well as his sexual orientation. Bright came out to his parents as bi but had preffered men over women.

Bright had always been health conscious, he didn't like eating anything greasy and unhealthy. He usually watched what he ate and always had his green smoothie in handy. He was just about to drink his smoothie when his mom called him.

"Hello Mae?" Bright answered.

"Hello my baby! Wow, you are awake this early. Is this a miracle?" his mom teased.

"I got woken up by the light outside. Anyway,how are you Mae?" Bright asked.

"I am good baby, I just finished cooking. How about you? Did you eat breakfast?" Mae asked.

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