Chapter 9: Hillcrest ーRebirthー

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Y/N was lying there on the riverbank, next to that old fallen wall. As a young boy, all bruised and bleeding, struggling not to lose consciousness. And by his side, a familiar face, looking at him with a look of bewilderment.

Y/N seemed like he wanted to say something, maybe ask for help or warn of something, but only strange sounds came out of his mouth. He was slowly dying in front of the eyes of that shadow. Each breath was a torment, as the other approached his dying body.

The entire surrounding landscape seemed to have frozen, no birds were singing, not even the branches of the trees were moving. It was as if even nature was afraid to witness such a scene. When the shadow fell in the same way as Y/N, who ended up slipping into the river and began to be carried downstream.


Y/N's head felt like it was going to explode. When Ymir leaped, a sudden headache jarred him with some images, but he didn't lose focus and saw Ymir jumping into the void as the titans clashed with each other.

Meanwhile, at the top of the tower, the survivors watched in disbelief. Ymir was another shifting titan.

Connie: "Ymir is also a titan?"

Mike seemed pensive about the situation, while his second-in-command questioned him.

Nanaba: "How is...?"

Y/N, dealing with his unbearable headache, seemed annoyed by the absurdity of the day's events.

Y/N: "Another titan? Seriously? Is anyone else a titan to reveal now? We could save a few chapters. You, Connie? Are you a bald titan? Mike, a tracker titan? Krista, an angelic titan?"

Connie: "Shut up! I'm not bald!"

Nanaba: "You really can't take anything seriously, can you..."

Ymir's small titan began attacking the remaining titans with agility, leaping gracefully from one to another, moving with the lightness of a dancer despite her imposing form.

Meanwhile, Y/N seemed on the verge of fainting due to his intense headache, while Reiner and Bertholdt relived the memory from five years ago, when Ymir devoured one of their comrades.

Ymir continued her fierce fight against the titans, and one of them violently struck a tower, shaking it forcefully.

Ymir continued her fierce fight against the titans, and one of them violently struck a tower, shaking it forcefully

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This caused Krista to fall into the void, but before she could plummet, Y/N quickly grabbed her leg.

Krista: "Thank you, Y/N."

Krista said, slightly embarrassed, while Y/N nodded.

Reiner: "Did you... know about this, Krista, Y/N? That she was a titan?"

Krista: "We were always together, but... I really didn't know."

Mike: "Hmph, Erwin will have to give his opinion on this."

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