♪ᝯׁhׁׅ֮ɑׁׅ֮℘tׁׅꫀׁׅܻꭈׁׅ -7ノ⁠♪

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𝓗𝓮𝓮 𝓟𝓸𝓿

August, 2021,

The Sun is chirping with the birds while leaving his traces onto our house, through the open wooden windows. There's Father who is reciting newspaper while having his coffee. And Niki's Mother, cooking in the kitchen with her enhancing aroma, latching every corner of the house.

The smell of her cooking engraved in my heart that I could even feel if I let my feet out of the hall.

Spending with family in the graduation time is what all I needed. And I'm thankful for Niki's Mother who is able to give her all, for me. 

A common Sunday in a month can be this Nostalgic?

I mean, we all, gathering to our dinning table like this, sitting together and talking our thoughts out and gaping some childish ideas, isn't it beautiful?

It is so beautiful.

It isn't like we never dine together. Maybe my head is too busy with all the miserable thoughts all these days. And right now, I'm a bit free?!? 

Yeah, Right now, there is no stress in my chest to make me ache, innerly.

It is so beautiful. And I'm so relaxed. I want to last this feeling forever and more.

"So, Young Men! How's the study going?" Father sharpened his voice after keeping the newspaper aside. With his fixed focus on Me and Ki, he tended to utter again,       "Can I atleast have hopes?" He carefully mocked. 

At his words, Me and Ki laughed nervously. I can never take Father's jokes funnily, it always strings with serious matters.

After taking my interest away from the vicinity, I observed Ki. Who unusually sat beside me, today. If I stress to think a bit, He never sat next to me, even once after He came to our Home. He always pre-occupies his seat, which is next to my Father. 

Maybe, today is my lucky day. Hopefully, I can have my breakfast beside Him.

After serving, Niki's Mother too took her seat. We began to dig out our breakfast after thanking the chef.

"Hee is now already in his last year. And graduating too. We all need to celebrate it." Niki's Mother reminded with a cheerful smile while chewing her food.

"Yes, we will. Even Ki started his First year in college, so we definitely need to." Father agreed after having a sip of warm water. 

At this point, I'm grateful for having these three in my life. Regardless, what or how they related to me, I'm happy that I met Them. 

"Also, Hee, you are already turning twenty this October. So any plans to having a girlfriend?" Niki's Mother asked abruptly in excitement.

"Ughhh! Aughh!!" I coughed loudly on my spoon. 

Girlfriend? How come I unexpected this situation? "Ugghh! Hughh!" God, I choked on the food again.

"Here." Ki handled me a glass of water. Having a sip after sip, I meddled myself to come up with an answer as She is still waiting for my reply with determination contented her eyes.

Damn it, I can't say that I'm in love with her Son, can I?

"Aa!! Actually..." with an awkward smile, in tense, I tried to loom words. "I don't have any girl friends." Yeah! I don't have any girlfriends. That's it, Heeseung. You said it. I know you can do it. Why stressing out for small small things? *Panics*

I can't help but hype myself to prevent this unusual feeling which is chaining me.

"Oh! I thought you have one." Father again started his ongoing saga of mocking me infront of Ki and Ki's Mother with an intense frown. Like, totally investing as if I really had one. 

𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝓣𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓝𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝓑𝓵𝓸𝓸𝓶𝓼 [𝓗𝓮𝓮𝓴𝓲] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now