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Written on the 13th of August 2023


Percy's POV:

As i opened my eyes i was met with a familiar face, Grover, "Perce, i'm sure glad you're alive". I look around and see i'm in a brown cabin like room with lots of beds and people getting treated, next to my bed is my phone, a pen, the minotaur horn and some unlit candles. I try to sit up but my shoulder hurts and i wince, grover comes to my aid but i shoo him away.

"I'm fine, don't help me" I sit on the edge of my bed and pat next to me as Grover sits down and calmly speaks "You are in the infirmary, you've been unconscious for three days."

"Three Days!"

"So, uh, Perce, what do you remember?" I stretches my legs and grabs the pen off of his bedside table. "Some.... crazy dream." I examine the pen and continue "I don't know. There was this monster. My mum was there. Oh and you were there too." I put the pen back were it was and look at Grover "-you were some weird hybrid... man-goat thing. Whoa!" I look at Grovers legs, he has the body of a boy and the legs of a goat.

Grover pats my shoulder "The politically correct term is satyr." Suddenly realisation hits me "No...no, no. So my mums gone" I loom at Grover with hope in my eyes which quickly goes away

Grover tries to comfort me "Im sorry Percy, I try man i Really do" He looks down at the ground "But frankly i'm just a junior protector, i don't have my horns yet" I look at Grover and pat his shoulder. "It's not your fault Grover, you tried"

I look at the minotaur horn on my bedside table and pick it up. "Oh ye, thats yours Annabeth and Kelsey said you should keep it as a token" I look at Grover "Who?"

"Oh right you haven't met them yet, they are my best friends.... other than you"

"Oh" i look at the minotaur horn, i want to meet them.


We walk outside the infirmary and i see loads of people in orange shirts with weapons, some even have armour on. The path is dirt and there are lots of little cabins, there is a lot of greenery like we are in a forrest.

Grover walks in front of me and i catch up to him "So, this is Camp Half-Blood, Half as in half-mortal, half-god" I walk next to Grover and a group of archers shoot their arrows, almost hitting me and Grover. 

I stumble backwards and Grover looks at the archers, "Whoa, Guys, watch the arrows. Newcomer. Hello, Gosh..Look man all the myths about Greek Gods and Goddesses are true. Remember what Mr Brunner said, sometimes they come down to Earth and they fall in love with mortals, and then they have....kids" Grover looks at me hoping i'll catch on

I realise "No way"

"Yes way... Yep! You're a demigod" He jumps and punches the air "two points for Percy Jackson"


"Don't worry, you're not alone. There's hundreds in the world. Some lead normal lives and some are very famous, as in white house famous" Grover pats my back encouragenly

He keeps talking "This place is where you train and harness your powers" I look at a group of people in armour fighting with swords, i then look at a few people fighting on what seems to be an obstacle course in the...air? I hear a few kids practicing "You cheated!" "No i didn't, you did" I chuckle as the two young kids bicker.

I then come to my senses and look at Grover and speak "i think you got the wrong guy, i'm a loser with Dyslexia and ADHD" 

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