Breakfast and Planning

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Soon, Tressa and Margo woke up. Margo cooed when she walked by and saw Blue watching his show and suckling on a pacifier. Tressa quickly shushed her, not wanting to interrupt him. Margo nodded, before both walked into the kitchen.

Blue hadn't noticed the interaction, still purely focused on Bluey. He was watching the episode where they played doctor, remember fondly when he was a biological kid and would play doctor. He then remembered something. His favorite show... It was by Disney, wasn't it?

He hit the back button, searching up 'doc' in the search bar. He couldn't help and excited squeal from escaping when he saw it. Doc McStuffins, his favorite childhood show, was right at his fingertips. He tapped on it, kicking his legs and wiggling happily as he heard the theme song. 

Meanwhile, Tressa was preparing waffles with Margo and Mary in the kitchen. They were hesitant about leaving Blue alone, but then Tressa reminded them that Blue hadn't been properly Little yet, and so had no need for constant supervision. However, they were all excited about his Little traits finally starting to show through.

Soon, the table was set with four plates. Regular waffles for Tressa, blueberry waffles for Mary, strawberry waffles for Margo, and chocolate chip for Blue. 

When Margo went to get Blue, she saw him wiggling happily while watching his show. She didn't want to interrupt him, but he needed to eat. Margo tapped him on the shoulder. He looked up, smiling behind his pacifier.

"Hey sweetheart. It's time for breakfast. You have a big day  today," Margo explained. Blue nodded, feeling a little apprehensive for not knowing the plan yet. However, he did remember that one of his rules included knowing the plan, so he paused his show and followed Margo with a little more confidence. He took out his pacifier, setting it down nexxt to the plate.

"Good morning, baby. Were you enjoying your show?" Tressa asked. Blue nodded, sitting down and taking a bite of his waffles. 

"Now, I remember you saying you liked to know what was happening next, right?" Tressa asked. Blue nodded. "So, I wrote out a plan for today. First, we're going to go see Dr. Ziegler about your medications. That will be just you and me, so it's not too overwhelming. After that, Mary and Margo are going to meet us for a small snack at the cafeteria, before we head to the mall. There, we're going to get some things for you and your room. Finally, we'll have a late lunch, and then you can have a sweet treat of your choice." 

Blue nodded happily at that plan. He flapped his hands excitedly. 

"Do you like that plan, sweetheart?" Tressa asked, slightly amused. Blue nodded, finishing up his waffles. 

"I'm glad. Now, let's get you dressed and ready. Do you want help choosing what to wear?" Tressa asked. Blue blushed and nodded. 

"Alright, come on then."

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