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Suddenly being brought back to consciousness was not a familiar thing to him, but it did immediately confirm his suspicions. Tharos had truly betrayed him. If he hadn't he—this copy of him—wouldn't have awoken. Disappointing, but rather predictable. No matter, he would make sure Tharos was punished for his transgression.

Or perhaps it was time to get rid of him. He'd served him well in the past, but Tharos hadn't been fully loyal since the moment he'd stopped keeping a close eye on him. He could decide that later, however. First he needed to find a new host.

Before he left his laboratory, he did notice something amiss, however. His sword and shield were not in their usual place. In fact, they weren't in the lab at all. How could someone have come and stolen them if only he could enter?

It seemed he had more than just Tharos to deal with, assuming this wasn't his doing. It was a bit cumbersome that he couldn't remember how Tharos had managed to murder him—it could have shined some light on the situation. He supposed Tharos would have to tell him himself.

To do that, he needed a Garen, and to find one he needed to visit Imbera. And once he had a body, he would finally put his plan into motion.

He would save the universe, and no one was going to stop him from doing so.

The Return to Irithara (Children of the Sun Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now