Chapter 8

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It took four whole days to even get to the mainland, which wasn't something Nira had been expecting

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It took four whole days to even get to the mainland, which wasn't something Nira had been expecting. She wasn't even sure why she'd thought Yorin would fly fast enough to get there sooner—maybe she just hadn't thought about it hard enough when they took off.

Either way, because of her mortal limitations, as Yorin had so nicely put it, they always had to stop for the night, so Nira could get some rest and eat something. This was only made possible by Yorin hunting down a deer, or some other unfortunate woodland creature, starting a fire, which he could apparently breathe even in this form, and then wrapping himself around her so she wouldn't freeze to death overnight. This made Nira feel even more awkward than the flying, and in the morning she always woke up with a mouthful of feathers.

Still, she supposed it could have been worse. Nobody had spotted them so far, as far as she and Yorin could tell. Nira often wondered what would follow if that happened. Would the police shoot them down, or would this be taken as a sign of the Iritharian gods returning?

Despite what had happened in Enoria, people in Irithara didn't seem all that willing to chat about the gods. At least that was the impression Nira had gotten from the Iritharians she'd met. There had seemed to be this air of superstitious fear whenever she'd mentioned anything concerning Relioth. Or the Eternals in general, for that matter. Like the people wanted to pretend nothing had happened. Some had even straight up not known what Nira was talking about, but they barely had newspapers in some parts of Irithara, so maybe they really had no idea.

Are you ready to continue the journey? Yorin asked, tilting that giant head of his to the side as he looked down at Nira. I think we might get to Aleara today if I adjust the flow of time a little more.

That was another thing that had been happening the whole trip—Yorin rarely stayed silent, which Nira had quickly learned to filter out, even if he was saying it directly in her mind. However, he'd been saying some interesting facts, to say the least.

One was the explanation for how Eternals could fly faster than a car which was much faster than any living being should be able to fly. The answer, apparently, was time manipulation. Not actual time travel, but rather manipulation of the flow of time in a small area. Yorin was literally making time for him and Nira go faster, which to the rest of the world made it seem like he was flying at a much higher speed than he actually was.

It was completely and utterly insane and ridiculous, but Yorin remained adamant that he wasn't wrong because he'd done his research. Nira hadn't had the energy to argue with him, and she still didn't. And besides, her brain just didn't seem to understand time travel in general, so she doubted this would be better.

There was no doubt in her mind that Yorin was much smarter than her, so maybe getting into an argument with him about science wasn't a good idea.

"Yeah, let's go," Nira said, swallowing heavily as she climbed onto Yorin's back and wrapped her hands around his neck as he took off with ease.

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