Training days

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As I'm sitting down watching TV trying to enjoy eating my breakfast Tony suddenly appears and turns it off.
"I was watching that." I say as I drop my spoon.
"Well I've been up all night making something for you, so get your ass downstairs." He says as he walks down the stairs very slowly.
"I can tell.." I reply as I get up and follow him down.

As I walk into the room I gasp.
"What's this?" I ask as I look at him.
"A suit, like mine but less cooler." He replies.
"For me?" I ask.
"Yes. I just told you that upstairs." He replies.
"I can already fly- sort of- well- You didn't have to.." i reply.
"Yes, yes I did." He says as I go to touch it.
"It's even purple like my aura.." I reply as the suit opens up which scares me.
"Okay...hold on. You can't just jump right into the suit. I will train you until you're actually able to use it properly.." he says as he makes the suit close up.
"Will it eventually listen to me or..." I say as I look at him confused.
"Yes, when I let you use it." He says as he gets in his suit.

"What are you doing?" I ask as he walks up to me.
"Jarvis open up the door." He says as he grabs me, I put my arms around him not expecting what comes next. He flies out of the opening doors and up into the sky, I scream as he goes really high.
"You could've told me you were going to do this!!" I shout as my hair goes all in my face.
"Where's the fun in that?" He asks.
"I- What's the point of this?" I ask.
"This." He replies as he lets me go.
"Tony!!" I shout as i fall down from the sky screaming.

He stays there for a moment until he can't see me, he then quickly starts flying down and reaches to grab me. He puts him arms out as I do the same and he grabs me. I laugh in shock.
"What the hell!!" I shout.
"Could you fly?" He asks.
"No." I reply.
"Exactly. That's why i made the suit. So you could have fun when your powers play up." He replies.

"Can I do this but with you?" I ask as he quickly stops in the air.
"Absolutely not." He replies.
"Why not?" I ask again as he ignores me and flys back home.

When we arrive home he gets out of his suit and sits down.
"Get in the suit but don't do anything until I tell you to." He says as I smile.
"You won't even have to train me-" I try say before I accidentally fly into the ceiling and hit my head, I then fall to the floor again.
"You're paying for that" he says as I stand up.
"Sorry." I reply as I look up and see a dent in the ceiling.


"Okay, I want you to try and float in the air. Just like I did on day one when I dropped you." He says as I start to float in the air, I shake a little bit I get the hang of it eventually.
"Im doing it but I can smell Peppers food from down here so can we hurry up?" I shout as I start moving around.
"Well done. Now, try not to hit my car as you come to the ground." He says as I scoff.


Me and Tony are working out in the gym when he suddenly starts playing the stupidest music.
"what kind of music is this?" I say as I look at him whilst running on the treadmill.
"Don't judge me or my music taste." He says as he turns it up whilst looking at me.
"Guys, Dinner is here!" Pepper shouts from the living room which distracts me.
"Hey! Think fast!" Tony shouts as he throws his water bottle at me, I look as my aura forms around me and makes the bottle in the air.. that's the good part but the bad part is that I stood still..which then caused me to fall backwards.
"Ow!" I shout as I land on my back and wind myself.
"Oh." Tony says as he stops his treadmill and quickly sits beside me.
"Ow it hurts-" I say whilst coughing.
"Yeah it's gonna hurt. Maybe you shouldn't stop next time." He says as he smiles at me which makes me roll my eyes.

| DAY 38 of TRAINING!! |

Me and Tony just went out flying around the city together, I've got the hang of my suit now so I can basically go everywhere with him which is awesome. When we arrive home we sit in the living room bored as we wait for our food to arrive.

*the doorbell rings*
"I'll go get it" I say as I get up and rush to the door.

As I open the door I see a figure with a big bag covering their face, they reach up their hand to grab the bags handle and as they move the bag away from their face im stuck in front of a person with a familiar face. It's my "father".
"No.." I say as i hold out my hand to try and throw him back with my powers which startles Tony and Pepper.

He gets out a gun before I can even try and throw him back. It doesn't shoot bullets, it shoots tranquillisers which makes my powers deactivate. He shoots one into my neck as he kicks me to the floor. He then walks to his car to grab something.
"Pepper run!" Tony shouts as Pepper gets up to run / hide whilst Tony rushes towards me and holds out his arm so that his suit comes on.
"Cmon kid, get up!" He shouts as I pull the tranquilliser out of my neck and sit up.
"My powers.."

' you're safe with us ' swipe to read.

I am Solar Aura, an Avenger.Where stories live. Discover now