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"Let's start with your name." He asks.
"Oh yeah of course, Sara Ferreira." I reply.

"When were you born?" He asks as he looks up at me.
"6th of October 1986" I say to Nick as he quickly types them down. (I can see the screen that's covered with pictures of me, what I've done in pictures and what he's documenting about me).

"Okay, Where were you born?" Nick asks as I sit up a bit more.
"Portugal but we moved to LA for safety.." I reply as he smirks.

"Parents? Siblings?" He asks as my face drops.
"Dead, all dead." I reply as he types that down whilst looking up at me again and again.

"Sorry I know this is uncomfortable for you but I have to ask these" He says as I nod.

"So, have you ever had a job?" He asks.
"No, never." I reply.
"You're working here as an agent for me with Barton and Romanoff. Got it?" He asks.
"Got it..?" I reply as he types something down.

"What can you do with your abilities?" He asks.
"I can make things fly away from me if they're coming towards me, there's probably more but we will have to find those out as we go on since they used to always deactivate my powers." I reply as he smiles and typed something down.
"You most likely have a thing called Telekinesis, god knows what else you can do." He says as he sighs.
"I have what?" I ask as he ignores me.

"Do you have any medical problems?" He asks.
"Not that I know of." I reply as I pull a confused face as he scoffs.

"How old where you when you were abducted by that so called family if you don't mind me asking." He asks as I clear my throat.
"I was five years old. I was playing with my brother and parents in the front yard when they both turned up, got their guns and shot them multiple times." I reply as I hold back my tears.
"Thank you for telling me." He says as he types it down.

"How many more questions Mr. Fury?" I ask.
"There's over 100 so sit comfortably because you're not going anywhere until they're all done, and please call me Nick." He replies as he scoffs.
"Great, yeah. Okay." I reply.

"Fluent in any other languages? This is important for undercover work." He asks.
"I know Korean, Italian, Russian and obviously English and Portuguese" I reply as his EYE widens.

"Have you ever gone undercover before?" He asks.
"Yes, I was forced to kill an innocent woman to retrieve this box for my 'parents'. I wasn't allowed to look inside it or I'd be betraying them. I would've been shot on the spot..I didn't want that." I reply as he clears his throat.
"Do you know what was in the box?" He asks.
"I overheard them talking about infinity stones once but I have no idea what they are." I reply.
"Okay, thank you..that's helpful." He says as he smirks at me.
"They were also able to change their skin colour. They were originally purple and were from space, I was with them for years."I say as I realise something.
"What's going on here?" Fury asks.
"I was meant to meet him when I was supposed to go back.." I reply as I sigh.
"Meet who exactly?" He asks as I clear my throat.
"His name is Thanos. As I was the only survivor I won and that means I became one of his own. He adopted me as his third daughter." I reply as Nick looks at me Concerned.
"What are the other daughters names? Have you met them before?" Nick asks.
"Yes, I've been planning to escape with them for years. Their names are Gamora and Nebula.They probably think I've betrayed them." I reply as Nick types this all down.
"Okay, thank you. Where were you held captive all these years? Would you be able to show us on a map?" He asks.
"I don't know? Maybe?" I reply.
"Why did your so called parents change their skin colour?" He asks as I sigh in stress.
"Because they were working with these people who were crazy, a guy named dreykov I think? , they have two other innocent people kidnapped called Wanda and Pietro. I saw them in their cells once or twice" I reply.
"Ok I can tell this is stressing you out, wait a second." He replies as I sigh.

He opens up his draw and passes me a phone, gun, knife, devices and a wallet.
"What's all this for?" I ask
"You're gonna need all of this so take it, I've already added my contact to it." He replies as he looks back at his computer.
"Thank you?" I say as I put all of it next to me.

"Allergies?" He asks. Guess he doesn't like wasting time.
"None that I know of." I reply as he looks up at me and nods.

Over 2 hours later we've finally finished all of my documents , we're now in the car about to arrive at Tony Starks house. I sit in the back of Nicks car picking at my hands, I don't know who this man is.

' Welcome ' scroll down!!

I am Solar Aura, an Avenger.Where stories live. Discover now