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As I black out after George, my kidnapper shot me with his new improved tranquilliser I am now trapped inside a dream I never thought I'd see again.

I saw my parents and my brother. Suddenly I was 5 again playing with my 3 year old brother Diego in our front garden. My mother Laurel and my dad Enzo were sitting there watching us play happily.

We were so happy.

"Sara, Diego!! Have a drink please!" Our mom shouts as we run to her screaming.
she plays with our hair whilst complaining how sweaty we are.
"Can you push me on the swing Sara?" Diego asks as I grab his hand and run to the swing.
"Ok get on" I say as I hold the swing.
"Sara, not to high okay?" My dad shouts.
"Why?" I ask.
"Because we don't want either of you to get hurt honey." Our dad replies.
"Okay" I say as I start pushing Diego slowly.
"weeeeeee" Diego screams as he spins around on the swing.

My mom notices a car from across the street with people in it staring towards us.
"Enzo, do you see them people staring at the kids?" She asks as he looks.
"Probably some teenagers, don't worry." He says as she continues looking.
"I don't like how they're staring at the kids Enzo. Can we take them inside? What if it's them and they've found us?" She asks.
"Do you want to deal with tantrums Laurel?" He asks.
"No but I want my kids to be safe." She replies.
"We need to stick to the plan or we die ourselves." He replies as he keeps a smile on his face.
"I genuinely care about them Enzo." She replies as me and Diego run up to our parents.

"Mommy, Daddy come play with us!!" We shout as we drag them up and run around together.
"I'm going to get you Sara!" My dad shouts as he runs towards me.
"No you aren't!!" I shout.
"Oh yes I am!!" He shouts as he grabs me and spins me around, I laugh as he hugs and kisses me.

He puts me on his shoulder as he runs towards Diego.
"Run baby run!" My mom shouts as Diego tries running.

My dad gets him very quickly.
"Got you both!" Our dad shouts as he kisses us both on our heads.
"Not fair...you're too fast" Diego says as he smiles.
"Oh I'm sorry buddy.." our dad says as he does a sad face to Diego.

"Do you guys want to eat?" My mom asks as we obviously shout yes. Our dad puts us down on the picnic blanket as our mom gives us food.

"Mmmmm sandwiches." I say as I eat the ham sandwich.
"Thank you mommy" Diego says as he eats his sandwich too.
"It's ok baby" she says as she smiles at him.

[The people inside of the car POV:]
"That's the girl, she's similar to the maximoff twins.." Mother says.
"She doesn't seem to have any abilities boss, are you sure we have the right girl?" Father asks Dreykov and Thanos who's listening somehow.
"She's the one, she's related to them somehow. Take her and kill them, they're useless to me, I only want the girl." He replies as he ends the call.

The car pulls up in front of our house, we turn around to look at it.
"Enzo.." our mom says as two people get out of the car. Two other people get out from the car behind them and follow them.
"What did we do? Dreykov? Is Dreykov making you do this?" Our dad asks as the four people walk closer to us.
"Who are you? What do you want?" Our mom asks as they stand there staring at us.
"We want her." They say as they point at me.
"Excuse me- wait no..?" My mom says as the woman pulls out her gun and shoots my mom in the head.

Our dad gasps as me and Diego scream.
"No! Mommy! Mommy's bleeding!!" I shout as I climb on top of my mom. My dad tries getting up to hit them but the man shoots my dad in the head too.
"No daddy!" I shout as I look at my brother who is crying.

I rush towards my brother and hug him.
"Don't hurt Diego, don't touch him!!" I shout as the woman grabs me by my arms and drags me back to the car. I watch the man shoot my 3 year old brother in the head. I scream.
"Diego!!! No!! You hurt Diego!!" I shout as I kick the floor screaming.

The woman shoves me in the car, she injects me with something that puts me to sleep, I cry for my parents again as I slowly drift off. She then gets in the car with the man and they drive off.

The other two people go up to my families dead bodies and do something, but i have no idea what.

——————out of the dream—————

It's been a few days since I have been in this dream. Tony and the others got me stable in my bedroom with Tony and pepper sitting next to me worried.

I gasp as I wake up.
"Sara" they both shout as they rush close to me, I look at them in relief.
"My brother.."
"Sara..." pepper says as she pats me on the shoulder.
"Hey, hey. You're the strongest person I know Sara." Tony says as I look at him and smile.

"I had to rewatch that moment over and over again for 4 days.. the blood, my parents and my brother. They all got shot in the head right in front of me." I say as they both hug me.

"That man is definitely dead. He will never step foot near you again okay?" Pepper says as I pull away from the hug.
"What about the woman..?" I ask.
"What woman?" She asks.
"The woman that kidnapped her a long with George. Her- Her name was something like Madelaine??" Tony says as he looks both at us back and forth.
"Call Nick." Pepper says as he gets out his phone and calls Fury, who answers.
"Is she awake?" Nick asks.
"Yes but we have a problem." Tony says.
"What kind of problem?" Nick asks concerned.
"The kind of problem where we don't know where her other kidnapper madelaine ivans is" Pepper shouts into the phone.
"That's all handled, we found their 'hidden' house and that's where we found her. She's arrested for the murders of your parents and 14 innocent girls" Nick says as I sigh with relief.
"So it's over?" I ask.
"It's over in the way you won't be bothered by them again but madelaine sent over some information that is still downloading so for now, go be happy Sara." Fury says as he ends the call.

"What if it's the bad things they made me do there, I don't want people to see that bad version of me.." I say as they hug me.

"Guys I broke that paramedics ear and now he's suing me." Tony says as we all pause and laugh.

'meeting Steve Rogers' swipe to read!!

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