a lie a day keeps the dentist away (minho & felix)

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(A/N: A lovely reader on AO3 requested a fic where Minho spanks one of the kids. My muse wouldn't let it go, so thus this chapter was born. I've received some other requests from you guys, and I'm definitely working on those too!)

It starts around Wednesday, with just a small twinge on the right side of Felix's mouth. Just a small twinge, every time he takes a bite of the rice and egg that Minho has made for breakfast. It is just a small twinge (really) so Felix ignores it flat, as he has much more pressing things to worry about right at the moment.

There is the fact that Chan's family is currently visiting Seoul, and that Chan is going spend a rare weekend out of the dorm to hang out with them. Felix is happy for him. Their leader gets little enough time off as is, and Felix knows first-hand what it's like to miss your family. He doesn't begrudge Chan the break. But it doesn't mean that the idea of Chan leaving, even just for a weekend, doesn't fill him with anxiety. His Korean is still barely adequate, at best, and as much as the rest of the members goes out of their way to never make him feel pressured about it, it's still a frightening thought to not have Chan there to help. And even if he could speak perfectly fluent Korean he'd still miss Chan. Chan is the glue and the driving force that keep all of them together and on the right track. Without him, Felix can envision just too many things that can go wrong.

The toothache doesn't seem to worsen, which makes it easy for Felix to convince himself that it will get better on its own and that he didn't have to tell anyone about it. Certainly not Chan, who is one of those horrid but necessary things called a responsible adult and is likely to drag Felix off to the dentist just in case. Drag, certainly, because Felix has never not even once in his life went to the dentist willingly. The mere thought of a dentist's office was enough to fill him with dread. The uncomfortable waiting room chairs, the smell of fluoride and warm metal, the damn fingers in his mouth, wanting to swallow because there's saliva and water dripping into your throat but not being able to for fear of swallowing some small sharp metal instrument. And, of course, the unending hell of having to decide between staring at the piercingly bright lights or the dentist's eyes. He'd frankly rather live the rest of his life with a toothache than subject himself to that.

So, he keeps his mouth shut and pretends that the toothache is not steadily growing worse.

By Friday morning, he is chewing only on the left side of his mouth. Which is totally fine and not a problem at all. Really. He usually prefers chewing on the left side anyways, right?

Friday evening, Chan says goodbye immediately after dance practice and leaves in a taxi, seemingly unaware of the leader-sized gap he left behind. Peeking glances at the other members' faces as they walked home, Felix can tell that at least he isn't the only one feeling like a lost puppy.

"Anybody wanna get snacks with me?" Hyunjin asks, when they turn onto the street where their dorm is. There is a convenience store on the corner, where half the part-time workers already know them on sight.

"Not me," Minho says. "Hyunjin-ah, just buy what you need and then come straight home, okay? I'm not losing any of you while Channie-hyung is away."


Nobody else seems interested, but Felix nods at Hyunjin. "I'll come with you." He can use some distraction.

Hyunjin grins at him in thanks. They duck into the convenience store, while the others go on to the apartment building where their dorm is.

Felix buys a bag of cheesy Doritos, longing suddenly for something that tastes at least somewhat of home. Hyunjin buys cup noodles, a sausage and some cheese.

Felix eyes him with suspicion.

Sure enough, after paying, Hyunjin heads for the chairs at the back of the store, instead of for the door.

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