Hope to restart over

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"Am I in heaven,"asked Ian confusedly.

"Unfortunately, you are not.

what were you thinking committing suicide huh?

Some people are not able to live longer due to sickness, but you want to die because of what happened to you.

Don't you think you are pathetic and stupid."Scolded the lawyer.

Ian whimpered .

"You don't know what had happened to me.

It's worse than you imagined.

What's the use of living when this will happen on a regular basis."Muttered Ian.

But the lawyer heard him loud and clear despite the sound of rain.

"I may not know what happened to you

But I know that you can't change your past , but you can change your future by starting now."Said the lawyer.

The lawyer grapped his shoulders and whispered something in his ears that nobody had told him before.

"You can do it,you are stronger than you think,you will overcome these issues." Said the lawyer and walked back towards this car.

These words have made Ian so emotional that started crying loudly.

These words may be simple, but for Ian, it was meaningful and sweet.

Unknowingly, the lawyer has awoken hope within Ian.

Hope to live life.

Hope to start seeing things better.

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