Chapter 27

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Amber's pov-

I woke up to Lizzie shoving donuts in my face while she handed Scarlett a coffee.

"Where's mine?" I pouted but took the donuts anyway.

"Pregnant woman don't get coffee." She laughed before making me lean forward so she could see my head to make sure I was okay even though I kept telling her I was.

It's been two days since my fall and Lizzie comes every morning with food and to check my head.

"The kids come home today and i was thinking we could set up a massive den and watch movies in it with them." Scarlett said as she sips her coffee.

"Am I invited?" Lizzie asked as she steals a bite of my donut.

"No." I smiled sweetly any moved so she couldn't steal any more.

"Why not!" She pouted and through herself between me and Scarlett.

"Because the doctor says I shouldn't get stressed and I'm always stressed when you are here." I joked and poked her cheek.

"That's just rude, Scarlett your wife is bullying me." Lizzie whines as she pouted up at Scarlett.

"Oh no, is she bullying my oldest child?" Scarlett teases and coos at her how she coos at our babies.

Lizzie just got up and huffed at us.

"I bring you coffee and donuts and you bully me? I need a new sister."

"Why don't you go annoy Courtney? She's in town visiting mom." I laughed and scooted over in the bed so I was now leaning against my wife.

"She wants to see mom and then come over here and see the kids again, she bought them a shit ton of things and loads of baby clothes."  Lizzie sighed and went into our closet chucking clothes at me.

"Now get dressed because I need to get my niece and nephew something's so I can keep the favorite aunt title."

"Can you give me ten minutes to cuddle my wife?" Scarlett asked as she put her coffee on the bedside table and wrapped her arms around me letting her hands rest on my bump.

"You have until I make myself a sandwich then I'm coming back up and you guys are getting dressed." She warns us before finally leaving the room. 

"Are you feeling up to going out?"she asked and gently kissed my neck.

"I want to go out but i also want to stay in bed wrapped in your arms while you talk to the baby about your past movies." I smiled thinking about how every night and days we have no plans, how she will lay her head on my lap and tell the baby about her times on set and past movies.

"How about we go out for an hour, then come home and I talk to the bubba before our big babies come home and your little sister comes?" She suggested and moved so her face was by the bump. "And I can tell them all how I met the most wonderful woman on earth 2 years ago and I made her my wife."

"Do I know this woman?" I jokingly asked and moved so I was now straddling her lap with the massive bump keeping us apart.

"I think so, she is amazingly beautiful and an amazing mother to our two beautiful kids and makes me so happy."

"She sounds amazing and I love her so much."

"I love you too, now help me get up before my annoying sister comes back in and rushes us."

"Right, up we go!" She smiled and helped me off the bed before kissing my cheek and allowing me to go get a shower.


"Momma! Look what Aunty courty got me!" Rosé exclaimed as she ran over to me holding a unicorn pillow and a bag full of clothes and small toys.

"That's amazing, did you say thank you?" I asked her as I moved the blonde hair out of her face.

"Yeah, just like you and mommy tell me to!" Rose said with a proud smile.

"Good girl, why don't you go put these toys in your room so Cosmo doesn't get them?" I asked gently, the toys in the playroom are for sharing but if there a toys the kids don't want to share they get put in there room and do not enter the playroom or the other kid has the right to play with it.

That's our rule to escape any tantrums or arguments.

She ran upstairs with her new things while my younger sister came to sit next to me.

"I missed you." She whines and pulled me into a hug.

"You saw me 11 months ago, you didn't see me for 3 years once but 11 months is to much?" I joked.

"Mhm, your my favorite big sister." She confirmed before poking my bump making the baby kick.

"What am I?" Lizzie asked with a scoff.

"My fifth favourite sibling." Courtney said before going back to poking me and the baby kicking back.

"You only have six!"

"Oh well, now let's talk baby names." Courtney turns all serious, making me and Scarlett laugh. "Suggest the best name ever Courtney!"

"We actually have a name but we decided to keep it to ourselves as we might change our minds when she gets here." Scarlett says, moving over to me with our son in her arms. "I'm going to go put cosmo down for a nap and then check on rose."

"Sounds good, bring cake when you come back?" I asked, the stairs are near to the kitchen and I want cake.

"Cake or do you want the cookies that we made yesterday?"

"I want cake, please."

"Okay, now don't bully Lizzie too much or I'm going to have to deal with a pouty Lizzie when I get back."

"We won't!" I tell her before slapping Courtney's hand away when she made the baby kick five times in a row and it was starting to hurt.

"I am so ready to go to sleep." I whined and laid  across Courtney's lap.

"Mom wants us to all have dinner at hers tomorrow, the twins and the boys are coming aswell." Lizzie said as she joined us on the sofa, lifting my feet so she could sit before putting them on her lap.

"Great, I have to get dressed again tomorrow." I groaned and pouted up at my sisters.

It's like a workout getting ready now that I'm pregnant.

"Oh no it's the end of the world." Lizzie teased.

"You try getting dressed with a massive bump in the way."

"It is not easy." Scarlett agreed as she handed me a plate with a big slick of cake on.

"But you are coming right? Mom always complains that her kids are never all together." Lizzie asked and stole a bite of my precious cake.

"We will be there after we get the kids from school and daycare." Scarlett replied for me before going to make dinner while I say goodbye to my sisters before going to play with rose.

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1181 words

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