Chapter twelve

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Scarlett's pov-

It's been three weeks since what happened at the waffle place. 

Later that day while I was sat in my house trying to keep myself from crying, lizzie came bursting into the house.

She told me how stupid I was and then let me cry to her.

She didn't blame me but she did make me realise how Amber felt.

But now it's been three weeks and I still feel terrible, rose keeps on asking when her Ambie is going to have a sleepover and cosmo keeps on calling our for his amam.

We were all sat on the sofa watching some random kids movie that rose picked after having breakfast about two hours ago.

I wasn't really paying attention to what was happening , I was fiddling with the strings of Amber's hoodie that she had left that horrible day.

Why was I so stupid and let her go.

She told me she was feeling the exact same way as I did but I freaked out.

I was so scared that she would walk away like all my ex's and I still am.

But when she's around we are all so happy, she treats my kids like they are her own.

She makes me smile so easily and without even trying. Fuck why did I let her go. 

I wish I could just go back and time and say fuck it and kiss her.

It may be to late to do that but it's not to late to say fuck it and go see her now.

I quickly pull my phone out and call Lizzie while excusing myself from the sofa and running upstairs to get ready.

"Scar?" She yawned into the phone, telling me she had fallen asleep watching tv like she always did or she hadn't woke up yet even though it was 11:00 am.

"I need you to come watch the kids."


"Yes, please hurry." I hung up and started to brush through my hair trying to make it look neater.

"Can you tell me why I had to leave my oh so comfy bed?" Lizzie asked as she walked into my room while I was pulling my shoes on.

"I'm going to talk to Amber."


"I've been sitting here, trying to figure out why I turned her away for the last three weeks. I can't find one fucking reason except I was scared." I grabbed my phone and keys before facing her fully. "I am not letting my scared and stupid thoughts get in the way of being happy. Amber makes me happy and I can see my future with her."

"Well get going!" A massive smile covers her face as she pushes me out of my room and down the stairs.

"Say bye to mommy kids." She says as she pushed me past the living room while I just laughed.

"Bye my babies." I called as I left the house and got in the car.

Here goes nothing.

Amber's pov-

I was laying on my sofa, just watching a random shit show.

My routine for the past 3 weeks had been wake up, lay in my bed for an hour, pull myself out of bed, use the bathroom and lie on the sofa until it's time to go back to bed.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door pulling me out of my thoughts.

I shout out telling them I'll be a couple minutes as I grab a blanket and wrap it around myself to cover my tank top and boxers.

The knocking on the door turned into banging.

Groaning as I stomp over to the door, ready to shout at the annoying person at the other side of the door but my words got stuck in my throat when I saw Scarlett stood there staring at me with her adorable smile.

"What are you doing here?" I sighed as I walked back to the sofa allowing her to come in and shut the door behind herself.

"I need to tell you something and you need to listen or I don't think I can say what I need to say." She sighs as she sat on my coffee table, blocking my view of the tv what I was trying to focus on.

"And then you will leave?"

"If that's what you want then yes, I'll leave."

"Fine." I sighed as I turned the tv off and gave her my full attention.

My heart feeling like it was breaking as it did when I was falling for her and she turned me down, so her sitting in front of me with her stupid amazing smile is breaking me.

"I was stupid for how I acted when you told me how you felt, I turned you away because I was scared. I've realised that I run from my feelings, I've  been hurt in the past and I don't want to be hurt again and I especially don't  want my kids to be hurt." She told me as she leaned forward to take my hand and to my surprise I allow her to. "But I'm done being scared, I'm done running from my feelings."

I tilt my head to the side, I have a feeling what I want to happen is happening.

"You make me so happy, you treat my kids like your own and I've found myself falling for you hard. I was so scared of my feelings so when you confessed I pushed you away. For the last three weeks I've been kicking myself for letting you go." She moved closer so she was now sitting right beside me and her free hand was resting on my cheek. I allow myself to lean into her touch before she continues to speak. "I am not making that mistake again, Amber lee Olsen I have found myself falling for you since the day we met and I will not let you go without a fight, I am not losing you again, Actually scratch that, I have fallen for you. I am deeply and madly in love with you."

I scanned her face trying to find any sign of her messing with me but I don't see a single one.

"Kiss me." I said as I let a smile take over my face.

I finally get the girl I had fallen for and loved.

"Really?" She asked, I could see her eyes physically light up at my demand.

"Yes now hurry up and kiss me!"

She didn't wait another second, her lips were pressed against mine in a passionate kiss.

When we pulled away after air became needed, I smiled throwing myself at her and knocking her back onto the sofa so I was laying on top of her.

"So I don't have to leave?" She joked, her blonde her spreading around her head like a halo.

"You are never leaving me again."

"Never ever?"

"Never ever, because I am madly in love with you too."I replied as I let myself lay my head against her chest, her soft heart beat soothing me.

"Who's watching the kids?" I asked after a couple moments and her hand finding my hair as she played with ends of it.

"Lizzie is watching them." She simply replied.

"God good luck, she's going to fill them with sugar."

"I don't need luck because I have a loving girlfriend who is going to happily help me."

"Girlfriend huh? Have I met her?" I teased her, moving to straddle her hips with a smirk.

"Yeah, she has beautiful blonde hair, ocean blue eyes that make me fall deeper and deeper for her."

"She sounds amazing." I joked.

"She really is."

I lean down and give her one last kiss before excusing myself to get showered and gather some things to stay the night.

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1309 words

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