Chapter eleven

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Scarlett's pov-

I woke up to being in bed on my own with Amber being no where to be seen.

"Hi mommy!" Rose shouts as she runs into the room.

"Hey baby, do you know where Ambie is?" I asked her softly as I climbed out of the bed and grabbed Amber's hoodie that was on top of her bag.

What? I like wearing her hoodies, they are soft and smell like her so it always makes me feel safe and comfortable.

"She's in my bed." She shrugs as she skipped out of the door infront of me and down stairs as I head to her room to find Amber.

"Amber?" I whispered as I bent down next to rose's bed and gently shook her awake.

"Morning scar." She yawns, rolling over the best she could in a kids bed to face me.

"How did you end up in roses bed." I asked, trying not to laugh at how cute she looked right now.

"She wanted cuddles." She mumbled as she sat up and throws herself into my arms causing me to fall on my arse at the impact.

"Sorry." She says in between her giggles.

"It's fine, let's go get the kids fed they have school and day care on an hour."

"I'll go get cosmo." She flashes me
A smile before climbing off me and helping me up.

"Do you have plans for today?"i asked as we started to walk out of rose's room.

"Nope, you?" She asked as we walked through the hallway towards the stairs and cosmo's room.

"Neither, I never really know what to do with myself when I'm not filming or with the kids."

"Well let's think of something during breakfast and we can do it." She replied flashing me a smile before walking into my sons room.

As I walked down the stairs I could hear her softly waking him up before the soft whisper of her voice was replaced with Sofia's singing.

She was dancing around the room, singing along to a random song.

"Mommy can we have fruit loops?" She asked as she ran towards me and jumped into my arms.

I got her settled on my hip before walking to the kitchen.

"Yeah, if that's what my princess wants that's what my princess gets."

"Can Amber sleepover again? I like the nights she stays over." Rose asked as I started to make the bowl of fruit loops.

"I like when she stays over too, but tonight is her night at home baby."

"But I want her to stay!" She whines, throwing herself back into her seat.

"I want her to stay as well, but we can't make her."

"But you could ask her to say because I'm sure she would say yes." My head snapped to Amber who was leaning against the door frame, holding a still sleepy cosmo against her chest. "So?"

"Would you stay tonight Amber?" I asked her as I pushed the bowl over to rose, still slightly embarrassed that she heard me say I wanted her to stay.

"I would love too, I have to pick up some more clothes for tomorrow." She replied with a smile, placing cosmo in his booster seat next to rose before coming over to me and holding me from behind, resting her head on my shoulder.

"I was thinking we could go get breakfast from that new waffle place?" She asked as I started to make cosmo's breakfast.

She still hadn't let go of me, so she was clung to my back as I walked around the kitchen.

"That sounds great, we can go to that new ice rink after." I suggested as I pushed her away playfully and starting to cut up some fruit for the kids while cosmo's toast was in the toaster.

"I haven't actually been ice skating, I'm good at roller skating so I guess I can try it." She shrugged. "Coffee?"


Amber's pov-

"Bye roro." I said goodbye to the adorable girl who was her mom's mini me as she got out of the car to walk into the school.

"Bye Ambie, bye mommy." Rose said before shutting the door and running towards the school to see her friends.

"Next stop is the little dude's daycare." Scarlett announces as if she was a tv announcer.

"Then waffles!" Cheered making cosmo laugh.

He probably didn't know what was happening, he just found it funny.

"Silly boy."

We had just arrived at the waffle place, I'm thinking about telling her how I feel.

I mean what's the worse thing that could happen.

"Scarlett?" I asked before she could open the car door.

Thinking it's best to confess here, incase a fan or paparazzi hear.

"Yeah?" She asked turning to face me with her sweet smile.

"I really don't know how to say this." I take a deep breath.

"Take your time." She smiled taking my hand into hers.

"I've fallen for you, like I want to spend my life with you fallen for you."

Her face dropped and she she pulled her hand away from mine.

I could feel my heart breaking, why did I think this was a good idea.


It's too late to back out now I guess.

"I want it all if you would let me. I want to wake up in bed with rosie and Cosmo waking us up every morning. And maybe some more kids in the future."

"You dont know what you want, I have two kids. When you were 21 you where modeling on the other side of the world. When I was 21 I was pregnant with rose."

"Just because I was at a different place when I was 21 doesn't mean anything Scarlett! I know what I want for the first time in forever I truly know what I want."

"Amber, we can't."

"You know what I'm so done. You get all jealous when I see or show an interest in any one else but when I tell you I want to be with you, you tell me to basically fuck off." I sigh, taking a deep breath and grabbing my hand bag. "Tell rose I'm sorry I couldn't stay."

With that I get out of the car and start walking down the street.

"Amber!" I heard Scarlett call after me.

"Come talk to me when your ready to face your feelings but just know I'm not going to wait forever."

I turned around the corner and realised where I was.

My mom only lived a five minute walk from here.


"Amber?" My mom asked as she opened the door.

I saw Lizzie stand up from the sofa.

I just threw myself into her arms allowing all of my feelings out.

Why did I have to ruin it, why did I have to be so stupid and tell her how I felt.

"Oh my poor baby. Liz go make your sister a hot chocolate." Mom said as she brought me inside and sat me down on the sofa.

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1178 words

I want it all if you let me~ scarlett Johansson Where stories live. Discover now