Promise IX

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I stifled another yawn and pulled the covers up to my chin, lying on my left ribs. The bed felt very comfortable, and the temperature was just right. I glanced at the empty spot beside me and sighed inwardly.

It's been a few weeks since Yunxi has gone back to his usual leave early and come home late schedule, and I admit, I do miss him at times. Though it was only a few days that he was around, it felt like we really belonged, and I feel sad knowing that it was only temporary and that it would probably be a while before we could be together like that again.

He's late today, again. I should just sleep.

Even when he's not around, he'd never let me lift a finger in this house. The floors and tables are always clean; the laundry is always done, even if I see tags indicating it was sent to a laundrette to be cleaned and folded; at times, there will even be breakfast on the table for me. What I really like is that there are always fresh white jasmines in the living room, making me smile every day. Sometimes he would also place some in the bedroom, so I would wake up with the fresh scent of my favourite flowers.

Not long after I closed my eyes, I heard the gentle sound of the door knob being turned, followed by careful steps towards the bed. A kiss dropped on my temple.

"I'm home, wife."

His voice sounded a little croaky; perhaps he is a little tired. Moments later, I heard more shuffling as he went into the bathroom to clean up. Soon after, he seemed to have finished cleaning up, and he slipped into bed as silently as he could. It always amazes me how gently he can do his actions, or perhaps he is scared of waking me.

For a few minutes, there weren't any movements, and I thought he'd fallen asleep, but I still couldn't. For some reason, since I knew he was finally home, even my closed eyes did not help induce sleep. My heart is beating so erratically that I had to control my own breathing to not make it too obvious that I am still awake.

"Xiao Nuo.."

His voice was very gentle as he shifted closer to me and placed a mildly cold hand on mine. His thumb caressed my finger as I felt his warm breath against my face.

It wasn't long before he placed his soft lips on my cheek, and he stayed there for a few minutes before pulling away. The spot he kissed sent electric signals throughout my body, and I am struggling not to give out any reactions. As if that were not enough, he started to drop another kiss on my nose and dropped more trails of soft kisses all over my cheek and to my jawline.

I whimpered as he dropped a kiss on my earlobe, feeling a little ticklish. Fluttering my eyes open, I was welcomed by a very tired-looking yet gently smiling Yunxi. I reached for his heavy eye bags, massaging them as if they would go away. He must've been working so hard to look this worn out.

"Xiao Nuo." He leaned into my hand.

The room wasn't at all dim, as it usually is when he is ready for bed. I could clearly see his face and his gentle eyes gazing into mine.

It's different. His gaze in his drama when he was looking at his co-stars and his gaze right now are definitely different. It's like he's a totally different person, and right now, he's the Husband, Luo Yunxi. And his eyes only see me.

"You look very tired. Get some sleep." I whispered to him, as he was too close to me for any comfort. He hovered above me, making me lie on my back and look at him bewilderedly as he placed two elbows on both sides of me and his legs just touched the sides of my knees. Securely, he has me within his grasps, and I don't know how to react to that, so I naturally stiffen up, though instead of feeling alarmed, I felt a little comfort in his proximity.

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