Chapter 6 - Weird

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Waking up was slightly brutal in the sense since it was so early. My mum woke me up, claiming she had a nice morning set up for us, which was nice, but waking up at eight thirty in the morning was a tad much.

"What are we doing?" I asked her through a yawn as I sat up in bed, rubbing my hands down my face as I did.

"Well, I figured since you were going to hang out with your friend today that I could at least have the morning with my son, right?"

I shrugged. "Don't see why not, but that's not what I asked, Mum. What are we gonna do?"

I watched her think for a bit and it made me a bit puzzled. Didn't she already have a plan? Isn't that why she woke me up at eight thirty in the morning? I don't even think my mum had planed anything for us to do on this trip when she made it. I honestly think that she just wanted to take Greg and myself out of Ireland to see the world with her. I didn't mind though because I was having a good time either way.

"Well, why don't I take you to that bakery you told me about for some breakfast?"

I grinned towards her as I jumped out of the bed. Food? I was all for food, so after I got out of bed I went straight into my bag - that I still had to empty out - and grabbed a new set of clothes: a white tee, some jeans, white supras, and a red hoodie to top it off since it was bound to be a bit cold.

"Oh no." My mum disapproved quickly. "You are not going out in just a hood. Do you know how cold it is outside?" I rolled my eyes at her and let out a small groan. I knew I wasn't going to win this argument, so I figured I might as well just put on a jacket. Nothing fancy, just a grey coat. It wasn't a bulky winter coat, but still.

After getting an okay from my mum we were out of the hotel room and out to the outside world. Once I walked out I felt the cold air hit my face and I found myself burying it into my coat a bit. Fine. My mum was right about it being cold today, but no way was I about to admit that to her. She'd never let me live it down.

"So, where is this bakery?" She asked me with a small smile, but I only shrugged. I honestly had no idea where anything was. I just knew that once I got out of the airport I walked around a bit before getting hungry, then I walked some more and found the bakery. And even after that I just walked around a bit until bumping into that police officer, Paul. That same guy that said he'd be seeing me again. Too bad he was mistaken.

"Honestly," I began as I shoved my hands into my pockets. "I don't know.”

She sighed and shrugged towards me, asking if I knew what it was next to and that made me think a bit. I got out of the airport and just walked for a bit. I just walked until I saw the bakery, then I went inside, got some food and left. The only place I could think of was the airport, so my mum figured that we might as well get going to that direction. I nodded in agreement as we called for a taxi to be well on our way.

While we drove towards the airport I couldn’t help but let my mind wander. I had somewhere to go, though it was too early to give Liam a call. I mean, nine in the morning was defiantly pushing it, right? He probably had winter break too, and I wouldn't want to be waken up early if I didn't have to. I just wanted to say ‘Hey, Liam. What are we doing today?’ But that was really pushing it at nine in the morning. Seriously.

Driving on I noticed a familiar sign and asked for the vehicle to come to a stop. That was the bakery and I knew it. The sign and the stature and…it just looked familiar, I guess.

“What is it, Niall?” My mum asked me so I pointed out the window. “That’s it. I found it.” She nodded before paying the taxi driver and letting us step out. I knew my mum would remember this place just for me, so I didn’t make it my mission to take down an address or directions for that matter.

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