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tori x sunshine!reader

requested by: Roriwritesluv 

Charlie wasn't a nosey type. Not at all. But Tori, seemed more happy lately. She was still herself, but a bit more smiley lately.

And of course, He wanted to know what made her so happy. Sure he did, but even then, she maintained a monotone kind of façade. "So, will you tell me why you're different? He asks his older sister.

She looked up. "Shouldn't I be the one interrogating you?" "Yeah, but you know everything.... you seem happier! Charlie smirked. Tori sipped her diet lemonade. Unlike Charlie, she was less secretive, and would straight up tell him.

"I've got a girlfriend, She admits, Charlie seemed surprised. He didn't know she liked girls like that, but now, he would find out who she was.

As soon as he left, [Y/N] came from her closet. "He almost caught us didn't he? She giggled. "Pretty much, Tori said casually. "He's been determined to find out who you are. Well, why I'm so, happy."

[Y/N] chuckled, plopping down on her bed."i doubt he's going to find out. At least for now." They shared a kiss which was soft and intimate. That was what Tori was like. She had a cold act and demeanor but as soon as you got to know her, she'd show her softness.

[Y/N] was a sunshine kind of girl. The embodiment of the Sun. Tori noticed that about her as soon as she approached her. So, it surprised people they were a couple, being complete opposite.

[Y/N] was popular. Having many friends, She was even known among Truham. Yet, she chose Tori. though, [Y/N] loved her so much, she didn't mind comments. Nobody disliked Tori, but the couple seemed odd.

though luckily, Charlie never found out she was his sister's girlfriend. [Y/N] kissed her, Tori kissed back, small smile formed on her face. "I love you, [Y/N] said. Tori replied, "I love you too." It took some time for Tori to warm up to [Y/N]. She didn't mind. She understood why, giving Tori some space.

But now, they were happy together.  [Y/N]'s friends luckily supported her. Though Becky was keeping her distance. Not because of her relationship but because she was with Ben, an asshole who was toxic and a bit controlling, apparently.

Few Months flew by, Charlie was still determined to find out who made his sister feel so happy.  Tori softly kissed [Y/N]. Charlie knew she came over, but, was under the impression they were friends. 

"I should go, [Y/N] replied. "Or my Mum will kill me." Tori nodded. "I'll come with you." [Y/N] nodded. Tori and [Y/N] exit her room. Charlie forms a sly smirk, while they leave. [Y/N] laughed. "I think he knows. "

"I know. I don't really mind anymore." 

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