a/n- very important so please read

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If you haven't heard, roe vs wade has been overturned. In other words, abortion is no longer allowed.

This is more of a rant but I'm very pissed about it of course. Not everyone wants pregnancy as most people say, is selfish.

It isn't selfish😭 not everyone can afford a child and it isn't something everyone wants to do. the death rate from childbirth is one reason why.

I'm scared for the future, and what that means. Because not only is abortion is gone, same sex marriage is next and other reproductive/rights such as adult consensual relations and birth control.

And a fetus has more rights than an actual human being which is just sad. I don't know what to do but if there are petitions or anything like that lmk.

I'm actually genuinely done with being respectful to pro-lifers, because at this point there's nothing to be respectful about.

And also that doesn't mean illegal abortions won't be done though. So if women and people with a uterus die from illegal abortion only pro birth people(they aren't really pro life) are to blame.

"There's always adoption"

No, the Foster system isn't a great experience all the time and not everyone gets adopted. ALSO, it isn't an alternative to pregnancy.

Not everyone wants to go through a pregnancy! You don't have to get an abortion but don't ban it entirely.

Funny how cis men are mostly the ones trying to decide what to do with our bodies, quite ironic isn't it?

Again if there are any petitions or something I can or you can do lmk! This is extremely important not and if nothing is done this will never change, if not get worse.

Bare in mind, it's been in place since 1973, almost fifty years!

sources(because not everyone will believe or back up unless proof):




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