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"Thanks for letting me use your computer."

They shrugged as you sat down on their computer chair "no problem, it's only for an hour anyways.." you nodded "you're right.. only an hour." They chuckled "sounds like you're nervous." You shook your head "I'm not- well I mean I am.. they average at a hundred thousand views..." "you'll be fine, I'll be in the living room, if you need something just text me." You nodded.

You had discord downloaded and ready to go. You were in a little group chat with them, that Yumi had made. Yumi said he'll start the call in a couple minutes, which can be any minute now. Making Larry send a funny gif of a troll face with confetti.

You sighed grabbing your phone tired of waiting for the call. You got on Instagram and saw Yumi posted a meme on his story making you laugh. You heard a ding coming from the computer seeing a message from Yumi.

You ready?

You typed back a yes making you nervous, but excited. Maybe this was a bad idea.. or maybe it's the best. Who knows. Then a pop up at the bottom popped up to show that they were in a call. And you joined, they all had their face cams on besides Issac and you.

Then you joined the call and you didn't realize it was going to be so loud filled with laughter making you jump and lower the volume. "Hello!" It was the same guy at Buffalo Wild Wings with the one earring. "Hi!"

"So just a couple things before we actually start, do you want us to call you something besides your name? Or do you not really care?" You hummed "I thought it would be funny if you called me berry because I called Yumi a blueberry." Yumi pursed his lips annoyed "hi Yumi." You said as he waved to the camera "hi.. Berry."

"Oh and I'm Nick, the dude with the long hair is Larry." Larry gave a lil bow and nodded a 'thank you' and waved like a queen. "I'm grunk!" "Yeah that's grunk." "Hi grunk!" You said cheerfully he seemed so young compared to all of them. "The one with their camera off is Isaac." "Yo."

"And that's Tanner." Making Tanner blow a kiss to the camera making you laugh. "Ok so are we gonna start now?" Yumi said slightly annoyed "dude why do you always sound so annoyed." You asked making him shake his head "noo this is the way I naturally talk."

Nick shook his head "anyways welcome back to the group chat podcast and we actually have a special guest today, meet Berry." Nick introduced you "Hi, yes it's me." You cringed "and you may be wondering, who this is, this is the girl that Yumi got fired!" Making everyone laugh besides Yumi.

"Yep.. that's me." You chuckled out "so we obviously heard Yumi side of the story, but we want to hear yours." "The title should be called 'the trial'." Larry said "yeah and if Berry side of the story is better we replace Yumi with her." Tanner said laughing making Larry laugh. "And she also gets to take your channel!" Grunk said chuckling making Yumi shake his head.

"Sound pretty good to me!" You exclaimed making Yumi continue to shake his head making you laugh. "We should of bought fucking judge robes!" Larry said laughing "Cam edit a judge robe on us." He sat up straight with his arms out.

"Order in the court! Order in the court!" Isaac yelled slamming something on his desk making everyone laugh. "Alright Y/n please give us your statement." He said letting you share your side of the story. "So.. originally I wasn't supposed to go into work that day, but then I had to, so I was so happy when I only had twenty minutes left, till I see this guy with a fucked up cut." His mouth opened wide and threw his hands up "it's not even that bad!"

"Yeah.. anyways then I start scanning and I'm making small talk like 'did you find everything ok?'-" "you did not say that!" "Let her finish lard ass." Nick said making Yumi cross his arms and started pouting like a baby. "Then he said yes in an annoyed tone, so I thought maybe it's best if I don't talk to him anymore. So then I keep scanning, and I hear him grunt. So then I ask him if there's something wrong. Then he starts getting mad because the raviolis apparently one dollar extra-"

"It's an extremely big deal." Your jaw dropped in annoyance "it's a dollar extra! You have over a million subs!" "So a dollar a dollar!" You groaned in annoyance "so I tried to tell him that it's the price I can't change it, then he starts screaming at me and saying I don't have manners." Tanner and Larry's jaw dropped "dude if you were that mad about losing you didn't have to go." Tanner said giggling as well as Larry.

"No it wasn't that.. I don't know I guess I got possessed or something.." you sighed "anyways then my boss comes over to see what's all the commotion and then Yumi leaves, and he fires me. The end." Yumi threw his face in his hands "I'm really really sorry." "Ah, it's fine.. It happened the way it was supposed to happen. No point in dwelling on it now."

"Well.." Isaac interrupted "it seems like Berrys replacing Yumi." "Yeah I am!" Yumi shook his head "No no no." Larry clapped "send her your YouTube and Twitch log in!" Tanner started whooping making you laugh.

"At least now you have a new job right?" Nick asked "yes I do! I work at a gym, and my best friend my new boss, so if you want to argue with me again about two dollar ravioli, I don't think they'll fire me!" Yumi rolled his eyes "it was actually two fifty." You all groaned.

"Yumi you really do suck.."

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