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" I don't know.. I usually don't get in a car with five strangers.. "

"We actually came in two cars.. if you want, it'll just be us two in mine. If you're ok with that." Yumi offered making you scrunch the side of your mouth. You looked back at your phone seeing that your friend hasn't texted you back. But should you go into a strangers car that got you fired from your job? Or continue sitting in-front of a Buffalo Wild Wings and possibly get kidnapped.

You looked back at him "you swear you won't kidnap me?" Yumi made a face and rolled his eyes "I promise I won't kidnap you." You nodded "fine, just this once." You said agreeing with his offer "Ok then.. I guess we'll get going." A guy with a arm tattoo said. "It was nice meeting you." You nodded giving a smile "you too." He nodded "see you at home." Making Yumi nod. You saw them all walk to a blue car.

You looked at your driver "can I know your name? At least, before I get in a car with you." "It's Blake.. but everyone calls me Yumi." He said walking to a Honda fit. You followed him confused, "Yummy? As in Y U M M Y?" You asked getting in his car. He shook his head and started putting on his seatbelt "No it's spelled Y U M I. It's just a nickname I thought of a long time ago.. and it stuck. You?"

"It's just Y/n.." he nodded pulling his phone out of his pocket and went to his maps. "Here you can put your address in here." You nodded again typing your neighbors address. It's not a huge difference but It's better than yours. You handed it back to him and he turned on the direction.

"Sorry my cars dirty.. I wasn't expecting company." You nodded "it's ok.. I've seen way worse." He stared backing up and getting on the road. And then it got to an awkward silence. The only noise was coming from his radio which was on a low volume. You were debating on breaking this silence.

"Um.. can I ask you something?" He looked at you for a second then back on the road. "Ok.. shoot." He mumbled awkwardly. "Was it you all playing Christmas music in there?" Yumi chuckled "yeah it was my friend, the one wearing the mask. He was playing a prank on us and the workers." You nodded chuckling "figured, but I have another question.. Why were you so mad that day?"  thought for a second "I feel like I should start from the beginning by explaining what I do." Yumi sighed, "I do content creation for a living. Specifically YouTube." You held back your groan, 'of course this dudes a YouTuber.'

"How long have you been doing this for?" You asked him leaning your elbow on his car door holding your head. "About.. seven years, maybe eight." Your eyes widen a bit. 'Damn he's being serious..' "and what was the problem?"

"The problem is that YouTube being a dick right now, I have two channels one I can't even post without getting age restricted for the dumbest stuff ever. Or it gets taken down because they think it's harmful." He sighed getting a bit raved up talking about it. You pursed your lips "that.. sucks." You mumbled trying to make him think you understand.

"Yeah.. and the day YouTube decided to flag two videos. So I was already mad, and then my roommates- the guys you just met. Decided to bet on a stupid game and of course I lost. Then some other stuff happened with my family and it was just.. a really shitty day." 'Damn.' You thought, now you're starting to feel bad for him. "And the bet was, that the loser would have to buy condoms and some more weird shit at a store, and it couldn't be a corner store. They made sure of that."

"So then you put all the pent up anger out on me?" You asked him as he stopped at a red light. He sighed leaning back into his chair. "Yeah.. basically.. I really, really am sorry about that. If I could change how I acted I would." You shrugged "its whatever.. I still think you were way out of fucking line tho, especially talking about having no manners. But, I guess that was just bound to happen."

You chuckled to yourself, "what?" Yumi asked. "Nothing it's just, something stupid I thought of.." he made a confused face. "Like what?" You chuckled "well I guess, you kind of remind me of blueberries." Yumi made a shocked gross face like if you showed him your organs. "I prefer strawberries." You shook your head. "Strawberries are sweet. You're more like blueberries because they're sweet and bitter at the same time."

"We'll you're like blackberries because they fucking suck." You tried to hold in your laugh making a 'pfft' sound but ended up laughing making him laugh a little. He pulled up to your street as you were calming down. "Shit.. that was pretty funny." You said as he pulled up to your house.

You sighed "thank you for the ride.. Yumi.." you said opening the door. He nodded "it was the least I could do." You nodded "but, just because I agreed to this doesn't mean I don't hate you anymore. It just changed to a dislike." You said closing the door "thank you!" You yelled out walking to your door as Yumi drove away, but in the corner of your eye; you saw him flip you off.

"Soo, how'd it go?" Larry asked laying on the bean bag. Making Yumi throw himself on the couch "she knows I make YouTube, and get this.." he sat up "she called me a fucking blueberry." Making Larry laugh hard.

"A fucking" he laughed more "that's so off brand for you." "Dude I fucking know! I hope I never see her again." Larry shook his head "I don't know.. we'll see." He stood up and laughed "blueberry." He shook his head walking upstairs. Making Yumi look at his phone.

"Oh by the way, we're supposed to film the podcast in about an hour. I'm gonna message Cam to title it blueberry." Making Yumi flip him off without looking up from his phone.

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