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"I need you to come into work today."

You threw your head back in frustration "what do you mean? Todays my first day off in two weeks!" You told your boss on the phone. "I know, but just come in today I'll give your day off tomorrow." You sighed "I'll be there in fifteen then.." you said hanging up.

You sat up from your bed scaring your cat away. "Sorry.. guess your being alone today; again.." you groaned getting up from your bed groaning, walking to your bright uniform that you hanged up yesterday. You threw it over your current shirt your wearing and started buttoning it up in front of a mirror.

You petted your cat and grabbed your bag with your essentials and walked to your door but before leaving you poured out cat food and water onto Barry bowl. Walking out and grabbing the car keys next to the door.

Atleast it's only a four minute drive.. you got in your car driving off, praying that it will be a fast day.

Thankfully it was. Now with only twenty minutes until you get to clock out. You focused on scanning the middle aged women groceries. She.. seemed nice she had auburn hair in a bob and a black and blue floral shirt. She just wouldn't look up her phone. It looked like something serious tho.. maybe a work email or something. Until you noticed the guy behind her, he had somewhat short brown hair with bangs covering his eyes. Or at least it did from this angle, seemed like a normal dude. But his items were a lil.. weird.

He was buying two 'Chef Boyardee: ravioli', laxatives, a little car toy of Mario, and condoms. A weird combination, but maybe one or two things are for someone else. He looked up saw you staring at his items so he threw in a pack of mini Oreos someone left in the candy space to cover up the condoms.

You finished bagging the ladies items, handing them to her. But her phone ringed, she grabbed it and put it up to her ear saying "hello?" Then she yanked the bag out of your hand. "You have a nice night ma'am." 'It looks like you need it.' She nodded giving me an ugly look pursing her lips. You sighed rolling your eyes and started scanning the guys items.

"Did you find everything ok?" You asked him hoping he's nice, or at least nicer then that witch. "Yep, yep- everything's fine." He mumbled fast annoyingly pulling out his wallet from his black basketball shorts. He was wearing a plain grey shirt with a green jacket thrown on top of it. He honestly wasn't that bad looking either. He had a cute face and you guessed he was maybe a mama's boy.

"Ok.." you mumbled scanning one of the Raviolis. And you went to grab the other but heard the guy in-front of you grunt. You looked up at him "is there a problem?" You asked and he turned away from the screen where the prices show up. "Yeah. Those are actually supposed to be one fifty, not two fifty." He said pointing to the screen.

"Dude I'm just scanning them if they were one fifty they would come out as one fifty; not, two fifty." You said bluntly "dude!? Excuse me?" You gave him a confused look "I didn't say anything wrong to you?" "You called me dude?! Not sir?!" He slightly yelled "dude- sir! I'm just telling you there two fifty." You huffed out and continued scanning.

"Seven dollars for a small Mario toy?!" He yelled out which led to people looking at us concerned. "Do you want me to take it out?!" You yelled back. "What seems to be the problem here?" Your manager came up behind you making you turn. "Yes your worker needs to learn manners!" Your eyes widen "Manners?! You need to learn to read prices!"

"Y/N!" Your boss yelled out at you "stop it." He hushed you making you quite. "Im sorry sir maybe they were misplaced somewhere. I'll check you out myself." He said changing the prices. "No it's fine I'll go somewhere else." He said walking out mad but before leaving he gave you a glare. You sighed realizing the long line of people in your lane. "Oops.." your boss turned to you "oops indeed." He turned to the phone hanging and grabbed it. "Olivia please come to isle four. Olivia please come to isle four."

You sat in the hard chair across from your bosses desk with your bag on your lap "Y/n, your behavior from the customer was unacceptable, you know that." You sighed "he was being rude and raising his voice at me." You said crossing your arms. "Y/n, you were gonna have many customers like that!" Your eyes widen "were?" He sighed crossing his arms. "After what you pulled I can't keep you here. I'm sorry." You got up from your seat "you're firing me! This is the first thing that's ever happened!" "Yes and it will be your last. Please turn in the your uniform tomorrow morning."

You shook your head unbuttoning your shirt "you can have it now!" You said throwing at him and walking out of his office. You walked out passing Olivia smirking knowing you got fired making you flip her off. You walked to your car and slumped your head on the drivers seat.

"so much for my day off.. what a fucking rude guy."

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