Chapter seven

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Jordan's POV

I seen Katie and Caitlin look a bit dopey almost? I walk over to them and I instantly knew something wasn't right. I quickly realised Katie was trying to be sick and looks like she is about to pass out as well as Caitlin.

I start to run, "Caitlin, Katie" I shout their names as I reached them. I got no reply, except them both passing out in my arms.

This isn't good. Something was seriously wrong with them. I placed them on the ground, whilst taking out my phone and calling an ambulance.

Luckily, they arrived quickly as I was sat making sure my bestfriends were still breathing. They both got loaded into the ambulances and rushed to hospital.

Katie's family had left ages ago, and they weren't answering their phones. I was stuck in a foreign country with no help, with my bestfriend's who had to get rushed to hospital.

Instinctively, I took out my phone and called the one person I always do when I need help or don't know what to do. Leah.

With just a couple rings my girlfriend picked up.

L - Hey Jord, everything okay? I thought you were going out tonight.

J - Leah, Katie and Caitlin have been rushed to the hospital. I don't know what to do.

L - Everything will be okay Jord, I will book the quickest flight to Ibiza right now. I will bring Lia too. Have you spoken to her?

Lia. I forgot to tell Lia. How will she react? Will she blame me?

After a while, Leah spoke again. "Jord are you still there?"

I tried to reply but instead I let out a sob. "I don't know what to do Le. I haven't spoken to Lia."

Leah replied to me saying she would take care of it and not to worry. That was going to be difficult to do.

Lias POV

When I received the phone call from Leah explaining what happened to my girlfriend, I felt my heart drop. I let Cait go to a foreign country where she promised she would be fine. But she wasn't.

Leah and I had found a flight to Ibiza that would would leave within the next hour.

We were on that plane faster than I could blink.

The next time I felt myself awaken and register what was properly happening was when I was face to face with my unconscious girlfriend who was attached to all sorts of wires. As was Katie who was currently in another bed next to Caitlin.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. "They will be okay" Leah said as she continued to comfort both me and Jordan. We were both shaky to say the least. It has been hours that Jordan was left in the hospital alone watching her two bestfriends as she had no control over how they recovered.

The doctors had been running tests with Jordan's consent and as Leah and I arrived, we got the results. That's when the doctors came in to give a diagnosis. "I'm really sorry to say but it appears miss Foord and miss McCabe have had their drinks spiked with a drug."

I felt my heart race as I stared at the mess my girlfriend and bestfriend was in. We didn't know when they would wake up or what would happen to them.

I sat on the chair next to Caitlin's bed. I stroked her face. She seemed peaceful, that brought me some comfort. Not enough to stop the tears from rolling down my cheeks. I felt Leah squeeze my shoulder.

"I can't live without her." I admitted quietly as I grabbed Caitlin's hand and laced it through mine, in order to give myself comfort.

I watched as Leah moved over to Katie's bed. "I hope she knows how much we care. After this experience and heart attack she's gave me, I will for sure make sure she knows." Leah said as she sat on the edge of the Irish woman's bed.

Just then Katie woke up.

Immediately she burst into tears. "Le watch out" was all she could say before she threw up.

Leah was immediately at Katie's side comforting her. After what felt like ages, she stopped and collapsed into Leahs welcoming arms. "What's wrong with me?" she asked.

Right before I was about to answer, I watched Katie's eyes drift over to Caitlin. "Oh my, Cait. Please say she's okay." Katie said as she attempted to move out her bed.

Leah and Jordan immediately ushered her to stay in her bed. Leah took Katie's hand.

"Your drinks were spiked Katie. It looks like Caitlin's reacting to it more than you did." Leah said as we watched Katie's eyes spill with tears.

I let myself take in Leah's words. Caitlin came off it worse, my girlfriend is still struggling.

I felt tears well up in my eyes again.

Please be okay, she has to be.

I felt myself just watching Caitlin's heartbeats to give me any sort of comfort.

That's when I saw it. The machines started to bleep to signal, her heart was slowing. And fast.

Authors Note

I'm so so sorry about my lack of updates!! I am going through a really bad writers block, I am trying my hardest to get an update out between both of my stories x

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2023 ⏰

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