Chapter two

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Lia's POV

Today we play Everton away, our third last game of the season. All my closest friends were currently injuries which meant they weren't coming on this trip.

We set off on our team coach and I sat with one of the new players Victoria Pelova. She is a very nice girl and a great asset to the team so I like how she sits with me when Leah and Kim aren't here.

I noticed Caitlin going through her usual routine of eating on the bus and listening to her music whilst chipping into conversation every so often with Katie.

I was glad Caitlin had friends rallied around her at the moment. Who even knew if she needed them because she might be over me already. I hope she isn't but then again I have no say.

As we arrived at the stadium we got told the starting line up which I was previously told I was already in and I could see the smile on Caitlin's face when it was announced she would be part of the starting 11. I was happy for Cait because she has been struggling with a hamstring injury for a couple games now so she must be happy to be back.

The match started and the team was out to prove a lesson today. Any match we played was for the girls injured at home and we want to win every game for them so when they come back we have a champions league position for them to play in.

I watched as Caitlin scored her first goal on her first return back. I was so happy for her as the team went over to celebrate with her, me included as we tapped each other on the back. Even the simplest of moments with her I cherish now.

Katie then scored a classic goal from her, outside the box and struck with a lot of power. It was then followed by another Caitlin goal and a header from Lotte.

The team had a brilliant first half and I genuinely thought that was the best we had played as a team in a while. That's why at half-time we were smiles all around and coming up with ways to score even more goals.

That all changed though because in the second half just minutes after the restart I picked up a lose ball from an Everton player and that same player in attempt to get the ball back lunged at me. She completely missed the ball and instead took out my ankle.

I have never felt more excruciating pain in my life as my ankle got hit studs first and got forcefully snapped outwards. I let out a scream as I fell to the floor, rolling around in pain.

The first thing that came to my head was the world cup. Am I going to miss the world cup?

I felt players surround me and heard shouting going on. I wasn't sure who was shouting or who at, but if I had to guess either the player who made the challenge or the referee.

I opened my eyes for the first time since going down and the first person I met eyes with was Caitlin. She was the one with her arms wrapped around me trying to keep me still as her eyes laced through mine filled with worry.

Caitlin's POV

I was right there. It happened right in front of me. I watched in horror as I seen an Everton player go straight through Lias ankle. That wasn't the worst part though.

Lia's screams. I don't think I will ever recover from that sound. I rushed over without a second thought and tried to stop her from moving with my hands.

I saw her open her eyes and look at me. "I'm here Lia. You're gonna be okay." I said as I moved my hand from her waist to take her hand in mine.

"It hurts so bad Cait." Lia said as tears started rolling down her cheeks. The sight of Lia was heartbreaking to me.

I watched on as the Everton player received a red card. I know she didn't mean the challenge it's football it is what happens but I still felt mad at the situation she had gotten Lia into.

Medics from both teams were working on Lia as she was passed oxygen to help her work through her breathing and pain. I had the oxygen in one of my hands and Lias hand in my other.

I brought the oxygen to Lia's mouth every time she asked for it. I could tell she was in a lot of pain at the way her face was scrunched up and she kept moving around in discomfort.

The medics announced that Lia would be taken in an ambulance straight away to the nearest hospital. When they asked if she has any family to call and she shook her head it broke my heart. "They are all in Switzerland." Was her response.

I then stepped in and said "She's my girlfriend. I am going to meet her there." I then realised what I said. How could I be so stupid? She's not mine anymore. I was about to correct myself when I seen the look of confusion on Lia's face. I stopped myself as I realised it was a conversation for a different time.

"I will ask to get subbed off Lia. I will not let you be alone right now darlin'." I seen Lia smile a bit as she nodded her head.

"I missed you calling me that." Lia said as I realised I called her darling. Lia used to make fun of my accent but I just grown to always calling Lia that.

I noticed the team waving me over so I squeezed Lia's hand and promised her I would be with her a soon as I could before I ran over to join my team.

"How is she?" Jonas asked me. I just shook my head "Not good. She's getting in an ambulance and taken to the hospital straight away." I replied as I watched my teammates all shook their heads, clearly not happy.

"Jonas I need to be with her right now. She has no family here." I started, hoping he would know what I was asking of him.

"I will get a member of staff to drive you, I will sub you off in five minutes." Jonas said as he gave me a nod.

I thanked him before the team got prepared to finish of the game. Since Lia's injury the team looked defeated, there was nothing that would change that. Less than five minutes later I seen my number go up to get subbed off.

I clapped the Arsenal fans as I ran off and went down the tunnel straight away and started packing mine and Lia's things. 

I seen the assistant manager waving me over as he drove up and he offered to drive me to the hospital. We arrived about 10 minutes later at the hospital I was told she was in.

I thanked my assistant manager before taking mine and Lia's bags before immediately walking up to the front desk.

"I am here for Lia Walti." I said looking at the receptionist.

"What's your name?" She replied, not even bothering to look at me. That annoyed me.

"Caitlin Foord." I replied, not really in the mood for having to answer these questions.

"Your listed as her emergency contact is that right?" She asked me.

I had no idea I was but I'm guessing Lia put me down as hers since all her family is in a different country. We never really spoke about it but I naturally put her down as mine when I came to the UK since my family are a 24 hour flight away. I guess we both just never thought to move it.

"Yeah that's right." I said, trying to act confident.

"What's your relation to the patient?" She asked. This was really starting to annoy me now as it was another question that I wasn't sure how to answer.

"I'm her partner. Now can I go see her? If you didn't know she is by herself and needs me just now and your stopping me from going." I said, highlighting my frustration.

"Room 127." I got told. I took off straight away, desperate to make sure Lia was okay.

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