Chapter Six

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Caitlin and Lia have been texting on and off for the last few days. Caitlin has had a great time on her holiday, she hates to say it but being with Katie and Jordan was exactly what she needed. The break from Lia and their issues was rewarding to the Australian.

Tonight they were going to a festival, it was revealed that a few of the McCabe clan were going to be attending aswell. Caitlin could tell by the way Katie's eyes lit up when she found out they were coming, Katie was very excited. Caitlin and Jordan both knew the Irish woman needed her family right now.

Caitlin knows that Katie doesn't like to show it but her recent breakup with Ruesha massively effected her. Everyone on the team was shocked when they found out the villa women walked out on their teammate. They honestly all thought that the Irish internationals were going to get married and have babies. Their breakup made Caitlin doubt if love really did last forever.

That's what led to Caitlin currently messaging her Swiss girlfriend. "Do you think love really is a thing and lasts forever?"

Lia's POV

I have to say when I got that message from Caitlin, I was very confused. Did she just suddenly doubt her love for me? I mean I know not everything was perfect between us but I thought we were working past that. I was currently in rehab, with Leah on the other side of me as we were sat in our chairs.

I showed my bestfriend Caitlin's message and I was met with an equally as confused face as mine. "Do you think something happened?" Leah asked.

I thought for a moment before I shook my head. "I think this is honestly a typical overthinking Caitlin message. I will try get her to see what is bothering her." I replied as I started typing a reply to my girlfriend.

"I am not sure how to answer that one Cait in all honesty. I do however know, if love is a thing we have something that is pretty close to that. I know I love you, and that will last forever. Never forget that my love" I sent to my girlfriend.

I then started to type another message "Why did you ask darlin? Is everything okay Cait?". To be honest I am quite concerned about my Aussie, was she having second thoughts? Is she okay?

I got my answer when 2 minutes later I received a reply from her. "I just miss you. I can tell Katie is struggling about Ruesha, her family are coming to meet us. She needs them just now, I just can't get over her and Rue. We all thought they were soulmates, so now I guess I'm doubting everything right now. I just feel so bad for Katie."

I knew what she meant. I would be lying if I hadn't initially had those thoughts. I showed Leah the message as we shared a look of concern. We were worried about Katie to be honest. We love our firey teammate to bits, Leah especially has been friends with Katie for a long time. When oblivious Caitlin and Jordan were worried about her, you know it's bad.

That's when Leah pulled her phone out her pocket and immediately rang someone.

Leah's POV

I noticed Katie has been silent lately, I've heard it from Jordan, Lia and now Caitlin. I have grown up at Arsenal with Katie, and during that time we have grown to be really close especially considering her and Jordan being best friends. I just want to make sure Katie is okay. Jordan had been giving me regular updates on both herself and Katie. That wasn't enough now though, I wanted to speak to her myself to make sure she was fine. So I phoned her without a second thought.

K - Hey Le, Jordan is okay I promise I am looking after her.

Typical Katie, always looking out for everyone but herself.

L - Katie, I am actually calling about you. I'm worried chick. You haven't been yourself and we all know it. I just want you to know, everyone is here for you and we love you so much. If you have anything you want to speak about please do. You may think I haven't noticed but I have. You have pulled yourself together to captain this team to the end of the most difficult season and Katie I have to tell you I have so much love and respect for you for doing that. However, we are no longer in season now. You're allowed to be upset and lash out. Do whatever you need to do to be happy again.

I was about to carry on but I heard sniffling from the other side of the phone. It broke my heart, Katie was such a tough person but with a sweet, soft heart. To know she was hurt like this actually shattered my heart.

"Katie you are not okay hun. Spend this time with your family, Jordan and Caitlin. Look after yourself, okay? If you need anything at all from me, please call me I don't care if it is 6 am in the morning or 3 am at night. Please just know I'm here for you." I remind the Irish captain.

"Thanks Le, I love you, thank you for everything throughout the years. I am so grateful to have you in my life." Katie replied. I could sense her wiping her tears, and getting herself together. I didn't want to start her off again.

"I love you too Katie, you have no idea how much love we all have for you. You're one strong woman Katie McCabe, never forget that." I said, I then hung up the phone. I wanted the call to be left on a positive matter.

Caitlin's POV (time skip to the festival)

I had noticed when Katie's family came, she perked up a bit. I also knew from Lia that Leah phoned Katie earlier and I'm guessing that has helped my bestfriend.

We were just arriving at the festival now, Katie had already gone over and gotten herself drinks. Jordan turned to me "Are you sure it's the best idea that she drinks just now?"

I shook my head, "I don't know honestly but she's going to look at us to join her." I replied. Jordan looked deep in thought for a minute as she stared at the photo of her and Leah on her lockscreen.

"You drink with her Cait, it could be what she needs to let go and have fun tonight. I owe it to you and Katie, Lia and Leah to not drink. I will look after yous." Jordan said as she ushered me over to where Katie was already starting to throw back some shots. It wasn't a surprise that her fellow Irish family were joining in.

I began to take shots that were handed to me by the Irish. Jordan was refusing all shots that were handed to her.

Katie and I ordered some very strong vodka drinks from the bar, but we got distracted from the music in the festival, the alcohol making us start crazily dancing and not thinking right about leaving our drinks. This resulted in us leaving our drinks unattended with people we didn't know all around. Jordan was busy talking to Katie's parents and didn't realise what was going on.

When Katie and I then picked up our drinks again and took a drink everything was fine. Until not long later we both began to feel really sick.

I couldn't make anything out, only blurs of shadows and Katie looking like she was rocking forwards and backwards. "Cait, I don't feel good" Katie started as she started to gag to be sick, whilst trying not to pass out.

I done my best to take Katie's hand and take her over to where I last seen Jordan. I then realised I couldn't focus on anything, never mind where Jordan was.

The last thing I remember before I blacked out was a small shadow shouting mine and Katie's name before I passed out in their arms. My last thought was Lia. I just want to go home to Lia. 

Authors Note

Sorry about taking so long to update! The next chapter will be more Lia and Caitlin focused. Apologies about the cliffhanger just trying to keep it interesting 🫶🏻

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