Chapter four

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Lia's POV

Caitlin again had to lift me out the car when we got home. Well I guess it is just my home now. She lifted me whilst unlocking the door with her old house key which she still had attached to her car key. I was quite surprised she kept it on honestly, but I guess she forgot to take it off?

She then placed me on the sofa and she brought the rest of our stuff in from the car. Once she came back in, she looked very out of place. It was obvious she wasn't sure what to do.

I just patted the empty spot next to me, signalling her to sit next to me. "You will always have a home here Caitlin, no matter what we are." I reassured her as she sat down.

I seen her nod in response as she started fussing over how I was again. "Is your foot okay? I didn't hurt you when I took you in, did I?" She asked, clearly concerned about me.

I just shook my head in response. "No Caitlin, stop worrying about me. I am honestly fine." I said as I smirked at her worrying over me.

"I can't help it. I will always worry about you darlin." Caitlin fessed up as a hug smile appeared on my face. If only she knew.

I zoned out for a minute before I looked at her again. I wanted Caitlin, more than anything. I love her so much and I never realised how much until I let her go. I would rather face rejection than have to live knowing I could of gotten her back and I didn't do anything about it.

I had to try. "What are we Caitlin?" I asked, not wanting to say how I felt just yet, my pride getting the best of me.

I seen Caitlin look a bit surprised at my sudden outburst. I saw Caitlin take a big breath before fully turning towards me. "I don't know Li." Was her response. Typical Caitlin, never fully saying how she felt. I guess I will have to speak for the both of us.

"Cait, I appreciate what you did today more than anything. I would've done the same for you in a heartbeat. I just can't shake the feeling how I get when I am around you." I said as I looked away, not wanting to meet her eyes.

"Me neither. I don't know what to do Li." Caitlin said, as her emotions got the better of her and I saw tears start to fall from her eyes.

My only thought was to take her into my arms and hold her so that is what I done. Caitlin then spoke "I've never felt like this Lia. I don't know what to do. You know what I was like before you, I was an absolute heartbreaker and I still got depressed from every break up. This one is different though I can't snap out of this depressive state I am in, It doesn't matter what me or Steph try to do."

Caitlin's head was settled into my neck as I kissed her cheek. "Cait, I am so sorry I had no idea." I said as I stroked her cheek.

"I am used to hiding it Li. I always do. But when I seen you go down today I have never felt anything like it. I panicked and many thoughts went through my head when you were screaming in pain." Caitlin said as she moved her head even further into me.

"What thoughts were they Cait?" I asked softly, in attempt to sooth her and show her how much I care about her.

"I realised you were all I ever wanted. You were the one person that I have ever truly loved enough to know I want you back. I obviously knew before your injury that I still loved you. But after you got injured I just knew I had to tell you because who knows what will happen in life." Caitlin fessed up as I continued to rub her back.

"Caitlin, I always knew you were the one for me. Whether it would take us 2 weeks or 2 years to get back together I always knew we would. I love you Cait, I always have and I always will." I said.

Then Caitlin moved her head slightly until she was facing mine. I felt Caitlin move in and she kissed me. I savoured it because it had felt like years since I had last kissed Caitlin Foord (even though it was weeks) and I just knew I would never let her get away again.

"Caitlin, will you be mine again?" I asked her as butterflies went through my stomach like the first time Caitlin asked me out.

"Yes Lia, I will." Caitlin said before I crashed out lips together again. I never want to let her go ever again.
That's when Caitlin and I both realised the time of 2 am. It has been an eventful day for both of us to say the least.

"I love you darlin but right now it is extremely late so we need to get you to bed." Caitlin said as she stood up.

Caitlin then proceeded in lifting me up and taking me to the bathroom and then to my bedroom. As I was about to get changed I realised my boot was stopping me from easily changing into clean shorts.

As always, Caitlin was there to help me yet again as she changed my clothes for me. I honestly don't know what I would do without her. Then Caitlin said she would be back in one minute.

Caitlin then reappeared with a bunch of medications in her hand along with a glass of water. "I know how you struggle to sleep when your in pain so I asked the doctors to give you medication that will help you sleep and take away the pain."

Another reason to love this girl. I showed my love for my girlfriend (it feels great to say that again) through a hug as I wrapped her into my arms.

I took my medication as Caitlin went through her old drawers to find clothes to wear that she left here. I seen her looking for her favourite t-shirt to sleep in.

"That one will be in my drawer, I slept in it after we broke up. It helped me sleep and it felt like you were still with me." I confessed as I watched Caitlin pull the t-shirt out of my drawers before she came and pulled me into her lap.

"I missed you." Caitlin said. I just rested my head on her shoulder as I replied "I missed you too."

We got settled into bed as I cuddled right into Caitlin's embrace. I missed this. I didn't even sleep badly like expected with the pain of my foot. The pain of my foot never even came close to the pain I felt though the loss of Caitlin.

So when my Caitlin sized hole in my heart was refilled I realised that was all I ever needed to be happy. Caitlin Foord is my happiness and even though love will hurt you sometimes, when you meet the right person at the right time, they will become your entire source of happiness.

I think it is fair to say Caitlin is mine.

Authors note

This concludes my initial thought of this story but I think I want to carry it on but just differently. I need a different idea, it can be anything with Caitlin and Lia. Please give me some thoughts! <3

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