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She was panicking. Her husband, the crown king of the largely populated village named after the first king who was Langelihle, was about to marry a second wife. She couldn't bear children for him for the last 10 years after her miscarriage fifteen years ago and so he wanted to get a second wife so that he could get a heir for the throne. An evil and wicked thought comes to her mind... She could get a sangoma that could help her get pregnant first.. no.. she was not a witch, she couldn't possibly do it! She paced up and down her small hut. But it wasn't like she was going to witchcraft the new wife.. she would just get something to help her give Bhekumuzi(her husband) his heir first. But she couldn't though. She was a regular church-goer, if anyone found out, she would be shamed and embarassed

She decided to do it. She had to. She was the Queen, it was her duty to bear him his first born. She left the royal house wearing an all black attire that hid her from the public eye.
Bhekumuzi was your typical traditional Zulu man with a big pot belly and a white bread indicating that he was over 40. He was all about growing family and ruling in peace. He decided that a young woman from the Mhlongo family was the one who was going to be the one to do just that. The lobolo negotiations went quite well, I mean who wouldn't want to get married to the wealthy king?
MaNxumalo came back from the sangoma earlier than she expected. She was told to apply some type of yellow cream on her body and drink some sour drink before having sex with her husband. She was told that she could be pregnant in a week. She didn't really believe the sangoma but there was nothing else that she could do. She didn't have any choice.
That night, she slept with her husband with a goal of getting pregnant. Bhekumuzi was quite pleased with his wife. Never had he seen his wife want to get it on so badly!


On the third of February 1998, MaNxumalo gave birth to who would be the next king of Langelihle Village.

She named him Nkosiyabo, for he was going to be thier king

Nkosiyabo grew up to be a rather handsome young man. MaNxumalo bore Bhekumuzi 3 more children after him: Nolwazi(25) Mhlengi(23) Cebelihle(23) and Asibonge(17). MaMhlongo(second wife)  gave birth to 5 children: Mbongeni(born 1 year after Nkosiyabo) Anathi(24), Ziphezinhle(20), Nothando(18) and Gcinokuhle(16). In all, Bhekumuzi had 11 children and currently has 2 sons in law(Xolani, King of the Hlongwane Kingdom- Nolwazi's husband. Ndumiso, prince of the Mbhele Kingdom-Anathi's husband)


How was that? I have decided to experiment and write in the third person, the whole book will be written in third person. I will be posting inserts every two days.

I hope you enjoy this book as much I enjoy writing it🙂

Love you loads,

Snethemba His QueenWhere stories live. Discover now