Chapter 31: Weakness

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[Y/n's PoV]

I am currently sitting on top of the cliff, alone with my thoughts. The wind blows past, chilling the air slightly. Night has fallen, and there's not a single star visible in the sky yet.

Then, I take out the piece of artifact I found when defeating the Golden Wolflord and looked at it. All of a sudden, the artifact glowed faintly that made me clutched my head deliberately and felt an immense pressure build up in my head, as I saw the world around me twist and turn.

The glow surrounding me begins to fade and noticed that I am now in a different place. It's cold— and there's nothing but darkness and silence. Soon, I saw a single candle slowly burning in an old wooden box.

Then, a faint voice speaks.

"...Abandon all hope... Ye who enters here."

And just like that, the voice fades away again, and I'm alone once more.

I put back the artifact to my kimono and heard another voice from behind me.

"You seemed busy."

The voice came from Ei.

"Oh? You came here as well. Perhaps you need me?"

I smirked and shifted my gaze at her while she rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"Hmph, that mortal girl just told us a little bit of information when Aether asked her about your conversation. So, I went here to ask you myself."

"She also told us that we'll also be staying here at the village tonight to let us rest?"

I nodded, "Indeed, after learning everything I needed with Candace, the situation is far more severe than I thought. She did mentioned the Gate of Zulqarnian and an underground passage way to Tunigi Hollow."

While I stayed on my place on the sands, Ei follows me by plopping herself beside me and crosses her legs as she gazes up at the sky. The stars shine brightly tonight, their beautiful light illuminating the sandy dunes below.

After a few minutes of silence between us, she decided to speak up.

"...I'm concerned about the safety back at Inazuma since I'm currently not there to guard my nation."

She looks at me with a concerned expression, and rested her chin in her hands.

"Inazuma is my pride and joy. The nation's safety and prosperity... are my responsibility. I cannot simply abandon them to their fate. And yet, I fear the worst. Perhaps one of the Abyss's schemes will soon come to fruition... or perhaps something even more dangerous has lurked its way into our society."

Ei then raises an eyebrow questioningly. Her eyes seem to be filled with worry about the future.

"Well, you don't have to worry anymore once I kill you." I said in a threatening yet playful tone.

Her eyes twitch slightly, but she only grins in response, and pats my head that causes me to flinched a bit.

"Oh, it seems you're in a playful mood. Well, I'll have you know that I won't be so easily killed. But if you ever decide to try, you'd better do your best in the fight."

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