Chapter 1: Violet Glede

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[Y/n's PoV]

On the other side of every cloud is a blue and faultless sky. That is where I feel most like myself when I'm in the clouds; for the sky is not the limit, but your mind is.

I am Kanna Y/n, the younger sister of Kanna Kapatcir. A strong being who existed since before humans arrived on Tsurumi Island and from whom the mortals called her after,"The Great Thunderbird."

You could say that we were prideful, haughty, and often temperamental. Or you could think that the two of us were like a birds of a feather who flocks together.

Now, allow me to explain where this story all began.

Thousands of years ago, Kapatcir noticed that some "strange objects" fell from the heavens and landed upon this island, producing the fog.

"Hmm, what are these..? Aren't you going to do something about it?"

However, due to my concern, she ignored the fog, even though she had the power to disperse it.

"I don't know and I don't care what it does, but it didn't seem to harm us in anyway so I'll let it be." Kapatcir stated.


While I took on and disguise myself to blend into the human society to travel and interact with different people from different nations, she remains in her bird state and refuses to take up on any human form.

So I have no choice but to tell her to shrink herself into a normal bird size so that I could carry her on my shoulder wherever we go.

Afterwards, an ancient tribe living here in Tsurumi Island began to worshipped Kapatcir. Simultaneously fearful of her and thankful for her blessings as they chose shamans to offer blood sacrifices for protection and blessings.

Although, she was misunderstood as the guardian of Tsurumi Island.

They would interpret any of her actions as divine revelations and used an amethyst hourglass to predict her arrival and hold a festival when she arrived. The tribe believed that she placed a dense fog to "protect" them from the "sea of darkness" outside the island.

Oh how foolish do they look.

"The people here seems to respect you a lot.  Ah, such stupidity for their own beliefs."

I spoke mockingly while my body was rested on a stone wall while letting the electro crystalfly land on one of my fingers.

"Ignore them. They believe what they want to believe. We cannot change their minds now."

She said that but actually— she can do something about it. However, she paid no attention to them, seeing them as no different from animals and living a short life.

Her perspective was somewhat true though, since from the sky, men were no different from animals because our life were much longer than a human's.

She considered individual humans not worth remembering and generally was indifferent to the ones that worshipped her.

Until one day, a young boy's song broke through the clouds that captivated her and decided to meet the source of the sound.

She landed next to the boy and the two talked briefly while I was there, leaning my upper body on a strong tree branch and listened to their whole conversation in secrecy.

The boy introduced himself as Ruu and promised to sing to Kapatcir again before they departed.

"Well, well, you seem to be quite fond of him." I said teasingly.

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