Chapter 15: Growing Festivities

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[Y/n's PoV]

From my spot on the bridge, I could see that the festival was proceeding at its height. The streets were packed with people, all of them smiling and laughing with each other.

A sea of red and orange and yellow, as people walked around with lanterns dangling from their hands. Some of them were playing games and some were watching shows, while others were shopping for gifts, or trying out food, or taking in the scenery. It was truly the most vibrant place in Inazuma.

The crowds didn't bother me; I could navigate easily without bumping into anyone, even in the tight-knit crowd.

It wasn't the first time I had navigated through hordes of people before while being discreet. And it's not like I wanted to interact with the general populace anyway.

Now I remembered that I didn't know what to do at this point, but as I was wondering what to do next, a voice was trying to caught my attention in the streets.

"Hey there! I'm Yoimiya! You seemed somewhat lost."

The cheerful voice causes me to turn around and find its source and it was a lively girl. She had her short hair tied up neatly into a bun, with her hairpins decorated above her hair. Her outfit was as traditional and colorful as any other Inazuman outfit, with the traditional Inazuman orange sleeves.

"I haven't seen you around here. Are you here for the festival?'

I nodded, "...I guess you could say that. I was wondering where to go next exactly..."

"Next? Isn't it obvious? The fireworks, the food stalls, the music! There's so much to explore, and a whole day ahead of us!"

Such lively energy.

"You seemed so enthusiastic about this... You're a pyro wielder, yes?

"Yep, pyro all the way! Can't be helped; Inazuma's all about passion, eternity, and thunder. That's why I love 'em so much."

She looked at me with a bright smile.

"Anyway, let's see... We could head over to my house first to check if the fireworks were now done by my father."

I looked at Yoimiya, and for a second wondered if her constant enthusiasm had made her a bit absent-minded about my identity or vice versa.

I decided not to say anything and let her lead me to her "first destination" which is checking if the fireworks were done by her father. I wasn't really sure what to expect, but I figured that she knew what she was doing, so I just followed her.

Yoimiya led me to a traditional-looking house and she said for me to wait outside for a minute while she'll talk to her dad.

I decided to wait outside and took a moment to look around. The area I was in was full of traditional houses, each with a slightly different style, color and layout. I could see some children playing in the streets, chasing each other and laughing loudly.

I may have heard some little words coming from inside the house but it was hard for me to understand what they're talking about.

"It seems they're having some trouble..." I mumbled to myself.

Yoimiya came back outside with a frown on her face.

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