Downfall of the farm

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A couple of weeks had went by and mom had kept the baby dale had died and something was going on between sophia and Carl

I narrowed my eyes at my little brother when I gasped coming to conclusion "you like her!" I shouted and he blushed bright red

"No!" He yelled and attracted the attention of others "whats goin' on" daryl asked "Carl likes sophia!"

"No I don't shes lying daryl" carl stated "aint nothin to be ashamed of kid" daryl smiled and chuckled slightly "go get er tiger"

he nudged him before slinging his crossbow over his shoulder and sauntering into the woods

"Yeah carl" I said glaring at him "jus' tell her" I said and shoved him towards her giggling before hauling ass to get out of the way

"Yo" T-dog said "hey T" I nodded my head "Carl likes Soph!" I announced to the whole camp and both the kids blushed bright red at the 'ooos' and whistles "booyah!" T said and everyone laughed

"Carl!" I chanted, people joined in playfully and he hid his face in his hands "Admit it" I shouted

"Fine, I like her" he muttered shaking his head in defeat "I knew it!" I laughed jumping up and down "Carl and Sophia sittin' in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g!"

"Arianna quit teasing your brother" mom scolded playfully and I rolled my eyes "He's fine" I said "aren't you carl!" I said glaring at the 13 year old "yeah yeah" he muttered still not enthused

"Well I have- what the hell?" I said as I looked out across the field "GET OUR STUFF NOW" I shouted "OH SHIT" T exclaimed


I sprinted getting the horses free and getting on blackie while leading nellie for Maggie to get on

"MAGS! GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE!" I yelled as the brunette ran over "get on" I panted and she got on and I watched people get into cars our people

"Carl! Sophia" I shouted at the kids who dodged walkers and they each got on a horse

"Mags we gotta get to the highway" I shouted and we galloped to the highway

"Fuck.." I muttered reality setting in when we got there "did you see mom?" I asked carl frantically and he shook his head holding in tears "Carl.." I said pulling his head to me and holding him close to me "whats the matter?" I said softly

"Dad- he was in the rv with jimmy when it got overrun" he choked out "Ari he's dead!" He sobbed and his little legs gave out and he crumpled to the ground pulling me with him

The green car pulled up and glenn, Amy and hershel got out "thank god.." I choked down a relieved sob running to Glenn "I thought I lost you" I whispered hugging him tightly "Im not going anywhere Ari" he said "I promise.."

"Mom!" I heard Sophia say and I turned to see Daryl and Carol and I pulled away from glenn and rushed to them hugging carol tightly "I thought.. I thought I saw you go down" I mumbled and hugged her tighter as tears began to fall and when I released her I turned to daryl

"I don't care how greasy you are" I said hugging him "good to see you grimes" he said and let go to pick up sophia when a blue truck pulled in and mom jumped out

"My babies!" She said running to me and carl and hugging us so tight I winced as my gunshot wound wasn't fully healed "ow.." I mouthed to myself

"Hello ms grimes" I heard T's voice and saw his arms open "Mr Douglas!" I said hugging him "I heard you and glenn gettin' it on" he whispered and I smacked his arm gently "shut the fuck up" I muttered pulling away to find Glenn

"Hey Glenn?" I said and smiled when I found him "hmm?" He said smiling back

"We need a horse trailor" I said and he looked around finding one quickly and pulling it and putting both horses in it attaching it to daryls blue truck "That'll do it" he said proud of his work

"Guys!!" I shouted getting everyones attention "we'll be taking a van and 2 cars and daryls truck and motorcycle" I announced and everyone nodded

"Okay. Lets go"

Authors Note: we have almost reached 200 reads! Yay!! I have read over my first three chapters and tbh their so cringe lmao but anyways I cant believe that was just 70 the other day we have grown so much

Special thanks: Poopjejwm

Thank you for being here for me xx

-Author <3

{800 words}

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