Lets Meet The Man

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A few months have past and I am now four months pregnant with twins so I was pretty big. in Alexandria I met this young girl named Enid and another named Ally. Me and Glenn had "adopted" Enid so she now lived with us

"Hey mom?" I heard my daughter speaking "Yeah baby?" I turned my head to see her "What's up?"

She looked really nervous "I need to tell you something." I furrowed my brow "okay come sit down" I said and patted the couch beside me "I think I like girls.." She said "I'm sorry.." I jumped up

"Don't let me ever hear you apologize for that again!" I said loudly "That is perfectly fine!" I resumed "your mom's bisexual to be exact" I smiled reassuringly

"Thanks mom I'm gonna go hang out with Ally" she walked out the door I sighed and got up with a struggle before yelping out in pain "Enid!" I fell down

She came running back inside "Mom!" She exclaimed "What's wrong?" She hugged me "Go get your father" I rasped

I closed my eyes and when I opened them I was in an RV and I saw Glenn asleep in the bed next to me so I hugged him causing him to jolt awake "Ari are you okay?" He whispered and held me to him "I was so scared I was gonna lose you.." His eyes were red and puffy

Suddenly the RV jolted to a stop Abraham came into the back "Hey Doll, Were gonna put you on this stretcher okay"

Next thing I knew I was on a stretcher with maggie at my side "It's gonna be okay Ri" she whispered "we'll get you to hill top"

"Noah and I are expec"


The whole group panicked and the stretcher was placed on the ground and they circled me "T?" I asked hoarse "What's happenin?"

"Nothing Mrs. Rhee you just rest now okay?" He said

"Well, Well, Well what do we have here?" I heard a man's voice and saw a man with grayish hair who was pretty short "Get on your knees" He said harshly and started to roughly drag me from the stretcher "We'll do it." Glenn said and helped me down gently and Noah sat next to me a firm hand on my back pushing me down

"Let's meet the man." I saw a door swing open and a tall man step out "Well Hol-E shit look at you all" He said in a deep voice "I hope you've got your shittin pants on!"

"Cause I'm gonna beat the holy hell out of one of you" He exclaimed






"A Tiger."

"By its toe."

"If it hollers"

"Let him."






"I choose you" He brought the bat down on Noah's head bringing a heartbreaking cry from maggie "Woah! Look at you taking it like a champ! Any last words?"

"Magg.. Take care of our ba..." The bat came down again and again until Noah was mush. he sauntered over to maggie flinging Noah's blood on her causing her to flinch "Oh.." Negan said with fake sympathy "were.. we're you too together? I'm sorry but take a damn look." He held the bat in front of her and then he came to me

"Hot damn are you hot! Come on who knocked you up?" I glared up at him "Glenn.. Glenn Rhee " I seethed "I'm Aria. Aria Rhee " He frowned "I was hoping we could sneak off.."He shrugged "Who's the leader?"

"Me." I growled "I'm the leader."

"Woah do you have a big set of lady balls!"

Glenn rushed forward to hit him "That is a no no." He laughed "I'll let that slide" He went to Carol "Hello doll." Daryl rushed at him and he glared

"What did I just say!" He tsked "now I'm gonna have to beat another one" he turned and brought the bat down on his skull

My husbands skull.

"Noooo!" I let out a screech

And my world went crumbling






"Ari.. En.. I... love... yo.." He choked out before negan hit him over and over. I was still wearing his jacket and I hugged it closer inhaling the comforting scent

Maggie's fiance was dead

My bestfriend, my protector, my soul mate. Was dead.

Enids father was dead.

Wyatt lost his father

The new babies never even met him.

I was gonna kill that man.

AN: Glaria, Has come to an end my friends. I hated writing this. Mags can't catch a break but hope you enjoyed! xx

- Author <3

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