Finding Ari

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"Have you seen you sister" I asked carl and he shook his head "fuck" I muttered as daryl walked by

"Hells tha' matter with you?" He grunted swinging his cross bow on his shoulder

" Aria is gone " I muttered "Dumb bitch shes gon' get herself killed"

he grunted something coherent "im gon' go get er'" he said

*Ari's POV*

I can't believe I thought he was good as I heard a snap of a twig I pulled out my hunting knife "Jesus Christ Daryl.." I growled "you scared the shit outta me"

He grunted "Your mama was lookin' for ye'" he rolled his eyes "you need to go back

"I aint goin' back Daryl" I said and gripped my knife harder

"Hard way it is" he muttered and picked me up bridal style and carried me kicking and screaming back to camp

"Shut the hell up" he growled "you tryin' to attract all of em'"

"No just put me down you stupid redneck!" I shouted and kicked some more

"hell you call me?" He raised his voice

"A stupid redneck" I repeated sharply and he held me tighter

"im gettin' you back to camp" he mumbled "yer' momma loves ya' and wants you back" he grunted and walked the rest of the way to camp

"Arianna Elizabeth Grimes!" I heard my mothers voice as she walked up to me

"shit" I muttered and jumped out of daryls arms "what mom?" I said

"Do you not remember what happened the last time you went out by yourself?" She whispered in that mad mom voice

"I was worried sick" she said before pulling me into a hug "mom im fine!" I said softly

"Aria!" I heard Carl and Sophias little voices as they ran to me for a hug "Sophia! Get yer ass back over here" I heard eds voice

"Soph wait" I said stopping her and I pulled out my gun I knew what ed had been doing to her and carol

"Ed you ever heard of a Colt Python?" I said walking over to him slowly

"It will blow your dick off if you even think of touching either of them again, Am I clear?" He grunted and I shoved it in his face "Am. I. Clear Ed?" I asked again

"Yes" he muttered glaring at me "Good!" I said sweetly before walking away "See ya Ed!" I waved

"What'd you say baby?" Mom asked

"we had a little chitchat you've heard soph crying afterwards we all have" I said softly

"her and carol are gonna be staying in our tent" I said softly "Soph?" I bent down "go get your momma and tell her to get your things your staying with me!"

I tickled her which made her giggle the real reason they were staying with us would get out tomorrow..

*Lori's POV*

I knew ari was up to something. Was I going to stop her? No. "Aria?" I said softly

"hmm?" She said "when are you doing it" I questioned and she looked panicked

"I wanna help" I said frankly "He's touched them enough" I smirked as she said "tonight."

"What are you planning?" She sighed "I was thinking walker" she smirked "I dont know though"

"That'll work" I said as she walked off to her tent and I followed to help sophia and carol in

"Thank you ms.grimes" I heard carol tell Aria "thank you miss aria" I heard sophia say after her mother

"Your welcome anytime" my daughter said and smiled as I came in "momma will you help me get them settled Aria asked and we did and waited for night to come

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