Alibi. (what the hell Ravi 2)

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Pip's pov

She drove the car back to Cara's house.

She left knotty green and stopped the car, her face in her hands.

She had acted okay, but she wasn't.

*Why would he do something like this? Even if he was threating me, he shouldn't have*

Realization hit her.

He killed someone for her. He gave it no second thought. He killed someone for her.

She smiled and started the car again.

"You okay?" Ravi said from behind her.

"Yeah, let's go"

She drived to Cara's.

She knocked six times.

Six. Six gunshots, and six bullets, and he was bleeding all over her.

Funny to think she once thought they won't be friends, all the way back when she was just so innocent, searching for Andie bell.

She hadn't realized Cara had already opened the door.

"Pip? What's wrong?"

"Oh" she said, jolting back to reality "Uhm, I need you and Naomi to come to Nandos with me"

Cara widened her eyes. And she let her in.

??? 's pov

Cara widened her eyes and let her in.

She walked across the street. She was too ordinary for anyone to suspect her to be anywhere.

She crouched down beside the window. She had no interest in what they were talking about. On second thought, she wanted to know.

"Listen, let's just go to Nandos, You just have to come with me okay?, You can't ask me why this happened." Pip said.

"Pip.." Naomi put a hand on her shoulder "Who-" then shut up.

"What happened?" But her eyes were different now. Had she spotted her? She couldn't have. Even if she had, she wouldn't know who she was.

She needed to do a few things.

She mumbled her saying from the book. Then ran across the street, towards Pip's house.

She had to renew it every few days.

She couldn't have them remember.

Then she cloned herself. And sent the other her to Ravi. She knew something was up.

She needed to be the one following pip.

Soon enough, the car left.

She followed, running a different route. She knew where they were going. She knew they would go on the big roads, she couldn't be caught clearly following.

She reached Nandos, walked in and sat on the corner bench.

Pip and her friends entered soon later.

It was 9 now. She had to be back home soon.

"We just eat and talk" Pip's voice echoed.

"You know if you need help we are always here"

"You are helping guys"

She could she the glimmer of tears in pips eyes.

She looked at them a last time. And left.

She stopped in a field. She called her clone. And they merged.

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