Remember me...

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Pip's pov

She was in his office, she didn't want to be, but she had to.

"So you claim to be a woman named Pippa Fitz Amobi?"

"I am a woman named Pippa Fitz Amobi" she put emphasis on the 'am'

"Okay, so to prove that, we will need to match fingerprint ID"


"Here is the Ink pad, and here is the sheet, please stamp your finger print above the red line, also please note that-"

She placed her fingers in the ink, first left, then right, and named the fingers

"I have done this before, remember? When Stanley died?"

"I- I remember Stanley Forbes dying, but I can't remember you at the scene"

" Well, here."

"Okay, these will take two days to be verified and shown to you, so you are dismissed."

"I don't want to be"

"Pardon me?"

"I- nevermind, good bye"

"Good bye"

She wanted to tell him how she had no home to stay in, for two days, but she decided otherwise, everyone would come to their senses.

Was it her? Was it her not talking to everyone that made everyone forget?

She knocked three times on her house's wooden door. They had repainted the house while she was gone.

"Hello who is it?, Oh. You" her mother looked at her with a disgusted look on her face.

"Hi uhm, listen, one of the rooms in this house was mine.... And all I want from you is to take my photos that I kept on my mirror, and my other stuff, you can watch me"

Her own mother sighed and let her in

"Hey Josh" pip said as she entered the house


"Yes mom- Maam"

"Now go"

Her mother watched her Walk up the stairs to the top room. Hers. Pip looked back at her mother, who stared at her confused. And left.

She looked around, it was pitch black. She turned on the light and... It was a storeroom.

She could still she traces of the bedroom, so she went to the mirror. Looked in the fogged glass and saw herself. Then looked above, pictures of her and cara, of her and her family, pictures of her and Ravi. They all were there.

She went into the bathroom, to see if it still smelled like bleach. It did. She wasn't dreamoysnd she wasn't delusional. They forgot.

She gathered her things and started to head downstairs and called out

"Good bye l- Maam"


And she did.

She went to Cara's house next, again. So see if she remembered

She knocked four times

"Who is it? Oh"

Naomi came behind her.

"Just leave. Or I will call the police on you"

"Are you sure you don't remember me?"

"No we fucking don't, so leave"

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