How am I helping?

330 7 4

DI Hawkins's pov

He was at home, his wife and child sleeping, he had gotten ready, just to leave before they woke. He was dealing with enough from them anyway.

He left the house, didn't even look back, he knew a monster lived there.

Including him.

He had called them at night, when his wife and son were sleeping.

He had a lot of makeup. Just to cover up the scars.

He had to leave now.

He walked along the pavement, to the park where they agreed to meet up before going to Ravi's.

He arrived at the park and sat at a nearby bench "I guess 7 am wasn't really the time to show up..." He was now asleep, his wife had pushed him down the, hard, concrete, basement stairs last night, he had barely slept.


Crap. His wife was here. How the hell did she find out?

"I'm here!" He put his hands up.

"I hope I didn't scare you" a softer voice spoke. It was Cara. Everyone was here now. He had dreamt of his wife's voice. When had he not anyway?

"Okay...,uhm yeah" He was half asleep, he got up and fixed the creases on his shirt "let's go over to Ravi's?"

"Sure" everyone responded at the same time, and they all laughed. He also forced a laugh with them. Practiced so much Infront of people that even he started to believe he was laughing.

They were at Ravi's house now. He had already seen it all, everything coming back to him.

He probably should have helped pip when she needed it.

They were in Ravi's room now, Pip and Naomi discussing Dark Magic or something... He was too busy trying not to flinch at his bruises under the concealer.

He tripped over pip's thick carpet. And he remembered everything, how she had manipulated him to marry her, how had he fallen for her the first time they met. Looking at perfect relationships make him think he should file for divorce, but he doesn't want his son to go through that.

Even though he was just like his mother, unlike his wife. He had loved his son with his entire heart.

"Hello? Earth to... What's your full name anyway?"

He hadn't realized someone was talking to him

"Richard, my names Richard Hawkins"

"Oh, uhm, I just wanted to ask if you wanted to know how I solved things" pip said

"It would be nice, thank you, but I have to get going, the station needs me"

"Okay, good bye"

He walked out Ravi Singhs door. He left the house. He had taken a sick day at work. The station didn't need him.

Only... Only she did.

He walked over to the cemetery, right next to Stanley Forbes's grave. Was a grave of Regina.

The Regina.

He soon left. And went to the station to call it a day and start working. The next few hours won't be fun, but it wouldnt be home.

Pip's pov

He left. Well, can't blame him.

"Okay, so let's search this up...."

'Psychic appointments'

"Hire Natsui" Naomi chirped

"Why specifically her?"

"I... I got it done by her before and she doesn't really force you buy over expensive products"

"YOU HAD A PSYCHIC OVER?" Cara screeched

"Uh, yes?"

"I WANTED ONE TOO" Cara whined, she always did.

"When the appointment is for one person." Naomi looked at her sister in the eyes "two don't come."

"UGHHH" Cara whined, most definitely not matching Naomi's energy. And yet, then and there, she knew they had helped her when she kil- she couldn't think about it right now, in a group full of people who knew her so well, they could read her mind, she knew how much she loved everyone surrounding her right now.

It was uncountable.

Ravi's pov

He looked at pip, he was paying attention to whatever she and Naomi were discussing, but not as much as he was focused on her. She was perfect, when in her wheelchair, practically covered in white casts, wait. No no nononononononononono.


"Ravi? I asked you to pass me the pen?" The love of his life spoke

"Oh, yeah sorry, my mademoiselle"
He teased while handing her the pen, he knew she loved these small moments, so he kept doing them.

He had moved the box to his back pocket now, cause he was sitting on his beanie (THE CHAIR NOT THE HAT) , and anyone would notice.

He just had to wait for the time.


Authors note

Word count: 777 words

Another smal chapter 😭 but couldn't find any else for this chapter 😭😭😭😭😭😭

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