Chapter 30

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A couple days later, after no change at all, I was doing my routine checks when all of a sudden a small group of soldiers decked out in red, white and blue were heard charging near district four.

I remained hidden in the trees but rushed over nonetheless. They must have been a loud group because they were actually a considerable distance from the town and were not charging at all, rather yelling out as they prepared a catapult.

A catapult which contained explosives and released them as soon as I reached the scene. Almost instantly a tree exploded, sending twigs flying everywhere, as the soldiers ran off.

There were no people around to get injured, so I did not worry about extinguishing the flames, butting in anywhere right then would have caused more problems than good.

The uniforms definitely confirmed this time that this was a declaration of war, no mere rebellion. This was clearly another warning shot, but it being much closer to the village told me they were not playing around anymore and that would probably be the kingdom's last chance to surrender whatever the reasons were for the attack.

For a while I hung around the area, ensuring there were no further attacks and tracking the soldier's presences, but they kept travelling away from the kingdom with no means of stopping. Now was not the time to follow them, not when they just gave their last warning. If they spotted me it could have changed their plans, it was unlikely but if they were having second thoughts on wanted to wage war on the Amijiki kingdom, then my presence might just tip them over the edge. Even if it was minimal, I could not risk being the cause.

At that time it was best if I updated Tamaki on what happened, finding an army encampment - if there even was such a thing, for all I knew they could have been going back to France, at least I assumed they were french soldiers - could come later if they attacked again.


As soon as I entered the room I called out for the prince but he did the same. "You go fi-

"Tamaki, this war is happening. There was a very obvious final warning a few hours ago, and I assume - no, actually, I know - that the king is not going to surrender because even if his pride did allow him to, I would not because there is no way I am letting you die an-

"Y/N, I'm leaving." Throughout my minor rant, Tamaki seemed to want to butt in but never quite found the right moment, "first thing tomorrow."

"You do not mean... the king is planning on..."

"The king is taking me to the Helios kingdom where we will be staying for the foreseeable future - is all I was told." He tried to reassure me but being taken away to a kingdom where I was not was not very reassuring.

"And when they say the foreseeable future, that means you are not getting assassinated for now?"


I let out a sigh of relief, "well that is good to know. And they definitely did not say why you are going?"

Tamaki shook his head, "no, it's unusual. They've always at least given a brief reason why but this time I've been completely left in the dark... which makes me think..."

"...that this is to do with what I witnessed earlier today. If there is going to be an attack soon, then the royal family get first priority of evacuation." This relieved my anxieties a little knowing he would be safer, but he was safest where I could protect him.

"Or only priority. I don't think the king would allow anyone else to leave. I'm leaving first thing tomorrow and then I don't know when I'll get to see you again, so maybe I'm overstepping my boundaries but could you-

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