-⚡️🐺She Always Steps In🐺⚡️-

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Disclaimer:All rights go to
the Vampire Diaries/The Originals/Legacies and their respective owners these characters are not my own hence I give credit for the ones who made them and respectively ask them not to take down my account or story thank you and have a good day all the images shown are owned by Vampire Diaries/The Originals/Legacies and the artist

As it turns out Landon had just invited himself to tag along with Liam and Hope despite getting told twice to leave them alone, Landon persisted saying that they didn't know the school like he did as he was now giving them a tour of it

Landon:This is the senior hallway, where I spent much of my formative years stuffed in every locker except this one that one doesn't open

Landon smacks a random locker as both Liam and Hope just stare each other feeling so done with the second that Landon opened his mouth

Landon:And to your left are the bathrooms where I had my first kiss with a toilet--

Having enough Hope just stops walking alongside Landon and tells him

Hope:I'm sorry, is the fact that im not openly hostile towards you make it seem like we're back to being friends?

Liam just stands behind Hope thanking the All-Fathers that she finally went out and said what he was thinking but with more profane words as the trio keep walking down the hallway

Landon:Uh, sorry. Just--was going for the effortlessly natural but this is all just making me really nervous like the school and seeing Connor and being with you..

Those last words didn't sit right with Liam as he raised an eyebrow and sent a small glare at Landon as Hope could see what Landon was trying to do

Hope:Shouldn't you be talking to anyone you know? Or are you just a loser at every school you go to?

Liam turned away from Hope and held back his laughter at the fact that his girlfriend spoke nothing but facts

"Wow, you just got roasted! But then again you did a kiss a toilet, I wonder did you see all of your hopes and dreams get flushed down the drain too? Or was that after you were born?"

This time it's Hope that does her best to hold her laughter as Landon just coldly glares at Liam but the son of Thor easily brushes off Landon's attempted intimidation luckily one of cheerleaders coincidentally being one of the more popular people makes her appearance known as she asks Liam and Hope

Cheerleader:I'm sorry you two look traumatized, is this loser bothering you?

Liam just puts his hand around Hope's shoulder and pulls her closer as Landon clenches his fists seeing Liam just do that to Hope

Hope:Yeah..he keeps trying to get me to buy his mixtape

The cheerleader looked between the couple and could immediately see that they were together as Liam added onto what Hope was saying

"I swear his voice sounds like nails on a chalkboard..just listening to it makes me want to punch him"

The cheerleader visibly rolls her eyes in disgust at Landon as she asks them

Cheerleader:Ugh gross, well we're going to lunch. Are you and your boyfriend hungry?

Liam hums seeing just how easily they were accepted into the popular group of the high school social ladder but definitely making things easier for them


The two Tribrids take one last look at the toilet kissing teenager before walking away still together as Hope lays her head against Liam's shoulder finding this to be oddly romantic even if this is a high school

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