-⚡️🐺The Fire Breather🐺⚡️-

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Disclaimer:All rights go to
the Vampire Diaries/The Originals/Legacies and their respective owners these characters are not my own hence I give credit for the ones who made them and respectively ask them not to take down my account or story thank you and have a good day all the images shown are owned by Vampire Diaries/The Originals/Legacies and the artist

Landon is lifted higher into the air by Liam as the poor human tries to his utmost best to get out of Liam's hold but his efforts prove to be absolutely useless

"Don't me ask you again, Landon. Where is the knife that you stole?"

Liam slams Landon against the wall again except this time he uses a bit of his strength to make it hurt even more

Landon:I don't have it! I--I swear to you that I don't have it! There was some fire-breathing woman that did it!

Liam throws Landon to the ground and kicks him across the face, if there was one thing he knew is that Landon was lying to them; his uncle practically taught him how to lie and how to recognize one in his midst and Landon was being one at this very moment

"Even now I can tell that you're lying to both of us.. "

Liam puts his foot on the side of Landon's head and slowly starts to press down as Landon can feel his skull slowly cracking by the weight of Liam's foot; Hope walks over to Landon and kneels down to look down at him

Hope:Just tell us where the knife is and we can end this..or don't and see how it ends for you

Just as Landon is about to say something they both hear someone head down the steps of the cellar as Rafael barges and sees Landon in trouble; his eyes glow yellow as he starts to walk up to Liam but the Tribrid of Thunder glares right back at Rafael

"Go ahead, I dare you..see what happens..take one more step and I stomp Landon's head in with my foot"

Rafael glanced at Landon and then back at Liam as his eyes reverted back to normal not daring to risk his adoptive brothers life, Hope gestured for Liam to take his foot off as he sighed and backed away from Landon as Rafael rushed to aid him

Landon:You two have every right to be mad at me but I am telling you the truth *looks at Rafael* c'mon man help me!

Rafael immediately agrees with what Landon is saying as Liam just grabs Jarnbjorn and grips it tightly

Hope:You believe that a fire breathing woman burned the bus alive? And Landon just happened to be sparred?

Liam was patient when he needed to be but right now it was growing less and less by the second

"And he just so happen to lose the knife that he stole from the school?"

But Landon just as quickly retorted back against what Liam was saying

Landon:She just kept coming at me like she was going to take it from me, she was burning everything in her path

That did make wonder, why did Landon take the knife in the first place as she asked him with anger fuming from her face

Hope:You want to explain what you were doing stealing the knife in the first place?

Liam begins to just drown out the ongoing argument as his grip tightens on Jarnbjorn as he sees Landon get up in Hope's face and starts to yell at her; having being completely fed up with this mortals bullshit he grabs Landon and just starts repeatedly punching him over and over again

Liam picks Landon up into the air with his body facing upwards toward the ceiling of the cellar, Rafael jumps into to try and stop Liam but he is stopped by Hope using her magic to freeze the werewolf in place..Liam didn't care about the knife at this point, he cared about all of those people who died because of Landon's stupidity and he was going to pay by having his back broken in the most painful way possible

Liam brings Landon down and with literal mere inches away from having his back broken, Alaric runs into the cellar and stops everything by saying these next few words

Alaric:There's a fire breathing woman in the woods!

Liam immediately stops and sees the look on Alaric's face and before he can even ask what was about to happen to Landon; he tosses the useless human aside and grabs Jarnbjorn and walks out of the cellar

Coincidentally he finds this fire breathing woman standing not that far from him as she tilts her head to the right and just intriguingly stares at Liam as his axe alas he soon joined by the others as Alaric takes a step forward and tells her

Alaric:We don't want any trouble

She holds her hand out excepting to be given something to her as Liam's eyes dart over to Landon as he murmurs some profane words knowing that he was right about Landon lying to them about the knife luckily Hope catches on to this

Hope:Maybe she wants the knife you said that you didn't have

The pryomancer's eyes glow orange as everyone rushes back inside the cellar all except Liam he counters the fire with his lightning; Hope stops and sees Liam holding the fire back

"Go back inside, Hope! I got this!!"

As much as Hope wanted to help Liam against the pyromancer she needed to find answers of her own as she ran into the cellar and locked the door shut; Liam felt something hit in the chest as he stumbled back from the fireball that had struck by him the pyromancer

Smoke came out of her mouth as she shot more fireballs at Liam but he was fast enough to deflect them with Jarnbjorn and managed to send one back to the pyromancer; he did know certain thing about this woman..she wasn't from Muspelphiem

The fireball sent her to her knees as she winced at her flames as Liam walked up to her and kneed her in the face; the force of the hit was enough to send her flying back through multiple trees

Liam cracked his neck and rubbed his hands together..it had been a while since he had fought someone like this; the pryomantic woman wiped the blood running down her lips and angrily glared at Liam as he decided to taunt her even further to piss her off

"You know with that power..I thought you hit harder"

She clenched her fists and rose back up with her arms covered in her own flames and with her eyes glowing brighter than ever before as Liam spun Jarnbjorn in his hands as his eyes sparked with lightning; the two just looked at each other knowing that this fight was about to go down

She roared out in anger as they both charged at each other with no intent on stopping as she reeled back her fist, Liam met her head on and jumped into the air with thunder and lightning following him into this new battle for only one would win this day and Liam was more than ready for it to be him

To be continued...

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