7 ~ Footages

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Starscream's POV

I decided to follow Knockout's plan, but only when I'll be properly ready, so, for the moment, I'll just tease Lord Megatron. Hopefully, I won't be yelled at.

As I walked between the corridors of this beautiful familiar place, I opened a door without thinking much about it. Behind that door, I found my room and Lord Megatron in it, admiring my weapons.

Starscream: "Hello my liege." 

His frame trembled slightly, hearing my voice, and when he looked at me, his faceplate was slightly blue.
Knockout could be right. He really seems like a teenage girl with a crush.

Megatron: "Starscream, hi... I was observing your weapons."

I walked closer to him and stopped right behind him, admiring all the various weapons hanged on the wall.

Starscream: "They really are majestic, aren't they?"

I decided to play dirty a little, so without letting him respond, I bent over, but just slightly. With that action, my tank hitted his back plates as I grabbed a sword from the wall.
He looked like he was gonna blow up from embarrassment, and I could actually see his completely blue cheek plates, I didn't know he could be cute.

When I grabbed the sword, I unhooked it from the wall and lowered it right in front of the Mech in my company. He shyly took it in his servos, and that was the moment I realized that mine, that just two days ago were much smaller than his, are now the ones being bigger. And the difference was now almost surprising.

I stared at his digits that were slowly caressing the metal of the sword, and very, very unholy thoughts came up into my processor. My cheek plates blushed slightly as I tried to convince myself that something like that would never happen, but in the meantime, he stopped looking at the weapon and stared at me.

We were blindly observing each other's optics, blushing, and in a pretty questionable position.
When I left the grip on the sword to give him space, Megatron had to grab it by himself, and when he took the handle of the sword and squeezed it between his digits, my interface panel began to heat up rather quickly.

I believe everyone would be ashamed to have this kind of feelings toward the one that was their abuser up to two days ago, but I wasn't. My processor stopped working properly, and I abruptly left the room to run from the problem that was being created between my thighs.

I ended up in Knockout's quarters, and I accidentally walked in him and Predaking. Doing what? Cuddles. Questionable cuddles.

Knockout: "Starscream, what the FRAG ARE YOU DOING HERE!?"

He was sitting on Predaking's lap, and the predacon had short venting and a big blush on his cheek plates, so it wasn't hard for me to understand the situation before I interrupted.

Starscream: "Gotta talk to you about... something."

By my embarrassed expression and my stabilizers shut, he understood what I meant and immediately jumped off of Predaking's lap.

Predaking: "W-Wait, what abo-"

Knockout: "We'll do it later. Now we get tea. Spill it!"

I looked down at him and then sat down beside Predaking.

Starscream: "He was looking at my weapons, I took a sword off the wall and kept it lifed in front of him a-and... I saw how tiny his servos are now confronted to mine! And don't make talk about how he was caressing carefully the metal!"


Starscream: "...pretty much"

As Knockout walked around the room, Predaking looked at me really confused and then asked.

Predaking: "Who are we even talking about?"

I shouldn't tell him.
But it's not like he's gonna do any harm.
But he can't keep a secret to himself...
Who am I kidding, Knockout was the one knowing first.

Starscream: "...we're talking about Lord Megatron."

Predaking: "...and you got the image of him giving you a servo job?"

I nodded.
He chuckled.
I nodded, and he chuckled.
What the frag man.

Starscream: "W-Wait- what would that mean?"

Predaking: "Since you revealed yourself, he doesn't do anything but observing you for hours and staring at how you move!"

Knockout: "And don't make me talk about how he looks at your interface panel! By the way, how big is it-?"

I shutted my stabilizers at the question, knowing that Knockout was able to force me open and check by himself.

Starscream: "I-It's big enough to get the work done!"

He observed my expression and mostly my optics and then shouted out.

Knockout: "You either have size problems or have a massive rod."


Knockout: "nuh huh, I gotta be sure that it'll fi-"


[---]: "Even if, eventually, you will."

That stupid, fragging, annoying, serious voice.

Knockout: "Shockwave! My dear friend!"

Shockwave: "We are not friends."

Knockout: "Yes, yes- ANYWAY! Do you already know about the tea?"

Shockwave: "Soundwave had told me, he has access to the cameras in this place, so we saw what happened exactly after that bite."

I got up and looked at the scientist, and behind him, the communication commander.

Starscream: "...so?"

Shockwave: "I'd prefer you to watch it yourself than me explaining it to you."

Soundwave started tapping on the console of the computer in the room, and it showed the footage of Lord Megatron and me recharging in the same berth. When he woke up, there was panic in his expression, and i noticed the position I had forced on him.
Then, when I bit his shoulder plate, I remained shocked by the sounds coming out of him. Seems like my stabilizer between his ones wasn't helping, and when I started growling, he... he whimpered.

My faceplate lighted up as I heard his loud whimper, caused by my sharp dentas in his shoulder plates. Luckily, at that moment, he was able to get out of my grasp and go away.

Knockout: "So? What happened after that!?"

Shockwave: "I'd prefer not to know, so I'll leave you at this point."

He and Soundwave shared something that should have been a kiss if they had intakes, and the scientist left. While Soundwave tapped on the console to get the other footage, Knockout got closer to him.

Knockout: "So, how's it going with Shock?"

Soundwave: "_Good_"

Soundwave doesn't talk much about his relationship with Shockwave, mostly because he's slightly ashamed of the fact that the scientist doesn't have an intake. I know this because I was the one he talked about this and also other matters.

On the screen appeared another room of this place, and Lord Megatron literally almost crawled inside and sat down on the berth. The rest of the footage made my faceplate light up with blue blush as I saw Lord Megatron literally doing self-service right after he got bitten by me.

Knockout: "...now that's tea."

Predaking: "I wouldn't want to be at his place... no offense, Starscream."

I didn't know what to say. My intake was open with the urge to talk, but I didn't know which words to use. I was literally speechless.

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