6 ~ Found Out

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Megatron's POV

I completely ignored Soundwave and Shockwave as they went to talk with Predaking and Knockout about I don't know what, because my attention was completely on Starscream's frame.
His optics pierced into mine, with their threatening but also attractive aggression, as he got up from his seat and walked in my direction.

His frame, noticeably bigger than mine, approached me slowly, letting me admire in pure panic all its movements, from how he swinged his shoulders to his digits, twitching from time to time.

He stopped right in front of me, looking down at me from his imposing height as I tried to hide the pressure I was feeling in between my stabilizers. His sharp claws reached my faceplate, but didn't touch it. Instead, they moved down on my shoulder plate, touching gently the wound that had already stopped leaking Energon.

Starscream: "I bit you, didn't I?"

The touch of his digits on my frame brought back to my processor what happened that morning, and I felt my faceplate burning.

Megatron: "Y-Yes, you did."

Scrap, my voice was slightly shaking-! But I think he didn't notice.

Starscream: "I apologize, I can get aggressive during recharge and bit or grab the closest thing to me, that yesterday night was you."

I looked away from him, trying to cool off once again the heat that was building fast in my frame.

Megatron: "I-It was no bother, I haven't felt it at all during recharge."

Starscream: "I'm glad you didn't suffer from it."

In that moment, a red flash got between me and the reason I no longer felt my stabilizers.

Knockout: "WELL- you might wanna make me give a look to that bite, my liege?"

Megatron: "It actually stopped blee-"


That stupid Medic grabbed my servo and forced me to follow him out of the room. As I left, I looked at Starscream once again, trying to figure out what was happening to me, but Knockout interrupted such thoughts, bringing me into MedBay.


Megatron: "...Knockout what are you implying?"

The expression on his faceplate was the same as that of someone who has found an incredible amount of Shanix by accident.

Knockout: "You like him!"

Megatron: "What!? No! Obviously not!"

I tried to not look at him to hide the blue blush on my faceplate, but he noticed.

Knockout: "Is it because you found out that he's Starlord!?"

He started shouting questions here and there, and I was getting crazy, so I stopped him.

Megatron: "Knockout, it's not the moment, really."

He kept looking at me with that happy, excited expression, waiting for my answer.

Megatron: "...yes, I like him."

Knockout: "I KNEW IT! And that bite on your shoulder plate? Was the 'biting during recharge' an excuse you thought about together to cover up proofs~?"

I blushed hardly, as he implied that me and Starscream had interfaced that night.

Megatron: "WE DID NOTHING! That was the truth! He bit me while he was recharging!"

His expression went from happy and excited to sad and a bit delusional...

Knockout: "So you really did nothing..."

...back to happy and excited.

Knockout: "...so you did nothing! I CAN HELP YOU HIT ON HIM!"

My faceplate was burning, as this stupid idiot thinks he can make something so impossible happen.

Megatron: "Don't try to do anything stupid, Knockout!"

Knockout: "I can't promise!"

Then he left.

Starscream's POV

I was standing there, hopping to see Lord Megatron coming back, with Knockout beside him saying that the bite was nothing to worry about and that I didn't break any important vein.
But Knockout was alone when he came back in.

Starscream: "Knockout, where's Lord Megatron?"

Knockout: "He had other things to do, but I have to talk with you, NOW!"

I followed Knockout in another room, looking down at the tiny Medic.

Starscream: "So? What is it?"

He was jumping around and giggling like a Sparkling.

Knockout: "Lord Megatron has a tiny, little, innocent Crush on you!"

I looked down at him in concern, has he been watching too many Korean series?

Starscream: "Knockout, you're talking about Megatron, the one that hates me and can't stand me."

Knockout: "But adores and simps hard for Starlord! And he just discovered that you are Starlord!"

Okay, honestly, that actually makes kind of sense.

Starscream: "So? What should I do?"

On Knockout's faceplate I saw pure FRAGGING evilness as he made a planned in his processor.

Knockout: "I'd say that the easiest way would be to seduct him and Frag him without mercy."

Is he serious!?
He's serious.


He answered with a tone that was frighteningly calm and collected, for the actual answer.

Knockout: "It's easy! Pin him against the wall, your stabilizer between his at stroking his interface panels gently, your dermas not too far from his as you stare deep into his optics. No one could resist to that!"

Starscream: "...what do you mean?"

Knockout: "Now you're big, strong, and mostly, you're hot and sexy! Do you even know how much you can do with that!?"

He does have a point.
So I guess I'll just follow his advice, and when I'll be ready, I'll properly seduce Lord Megatron.
In the meantime, I could teas him a little.

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