3 ~ Truth

309 7 5

Megatron's POV

Then, I saw him.

A frame as tall as Predaking, colored with many types of grey. In his hand the spear with both its halfs joined, and the battle mask resting on his faceplate.

There he standed, my hero.

Megatron: "...it's him."

Knockout: "so THAT's Starlord!?"

The gladiator walked towards us and swinging his spear destroyed all the armors that approached him. With an innate grace he separated the two halves of the spear and with the plasma chain in the middle he swirled them smoothly.
He beated all the armors in less than a minute, and with his imposing heigh walked toward us. I looked up at his battle mask that covered his entire faceplate, but looking at him I didn't recognize a certain resemblance and familiarity.
While I didn't understand why, he kneeld down in front of me.

___: "my liege..."

The voice was identical to how I remembered it, but also identical to another very specific voice.

Knockout: "why does your voice sound so frighteningly similar to Starscream's?"

My processor was still a mess, but then, getting back on his stabilizers, Starlord deactivated his battle mask.
I couldn't believe what I was seeing, under the battle mask there was his real faceplate. I looked into his optics, and I was right, it wasn't Starlord, but Starscream.

I wasn't the only one that realized it, so then, Knockout walked towards Starscream, that I no more knew who was. The medic stopped right in front of him, looking up in his optics.

Knockout: "Starscream, what does this mean?"

Starscream: "...I-I... it's a long story..."

He was interrupted by a voice, a mighty, deep, threatning voice.

[___]: "A LONG STORY!?"

The one that was talking was slowly coming out from one of the doors of the Arena.
It was her, the only Gladiator able to beat the one that considered my hero.


Starscream: "C-Corrier I-"


I looked up at the two, Starscream in the frame that I didn't recognize on him, and the tall Femme colored in purple and lilac. She finally noticed us and looked at me in disgust.

Darkreaper: "...you left your fame, your fans, your life, you left me for these idiots!?"

Starscream: "these idiots were right! What have I done all my life!? I wanted to study AND fight! But I couldn't be both a scientist and a gladiator and not for the organization of the time!"

For the first time, I saw in Starscream's optics determination, the strenght to make a decision. Only for a moment I felt the same feeling I had when I saw him on the battle field the first time.
Now I understand why he was so respected as a fighter back in Iacon's military faction.

Knockout: "could we all stop yelling at each other!? I don't think it's somehow useful!"

They both stopped talking, and looked away from each other.

Darkreaper: "you and your friends can stay, but keep your real frame, just in case."

Starscream: "alright, and thank you... mom"

Darkreaper went away, and we've been left there, in the middle of the Arena.

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