Chapter Eleven

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Harry is such a silly goose. He knows how to crack jokes to lighten the mood. It's cute. Wait, what?!
I find my Fiancé big deal, right?
Right, whatever.

Him snapping his fingers in front of my face pulled me out from my train of thoughts.

"Hey, you got a bit lost there." He laughed. I loved his laugh.

"Yeah, I am sorry, what were you saying?" I asked.

"I was saying that maybe we should make another public appearance before announcing our relationship, how does that sound?" He asked.

"Sounds good to me, just tell me when, I'll be there." I said, sitting in front of my desk and pulling my sketch book from the shelf above it.

"Nonsense, I'll pick you up myself." He said,  rather dramatically.

I just chuckled and got back to my work.

"Also, Simon wants to have a chat with you. Since, he's in NYC and we can't meet up with him. " He said, sounding a bit nervous.

"Ok, but why do you sound like it's something bad?" I questioned.

"He wants to talk to you...... Tomorrow." Harry added.

"Wait, what!? Tomorrow?!!!" I asked, surprised.

"Yes, tomorrow." He said.

"But, why, why is he so eager?" I asked.

"He said he wants to get over with handling our relationship 'situation' as soon as possible." He shrugged.

"Ok then, anything else regarding our 'situation'?" I laughed.

"Not that I can think of." Harry laughed along.

"So, are you free tomorrow?" I questioned him.

"Yes, I am. Why do you ask?" He questioned back.

"I haven't gotten new year gifts for anyone, and like you mentioned the other day, you need to shop for gifts as well, so I was thinking that maybe you can accompany me and help me find something nice for everyone. It will also be like a public appearance before we announce about us." I stated.

"I would be more than happy to accompany you, but you got the wrong guy for gift shopping. I am clueless when it comes to buying a gift for someone." He said.

"It's fine, we'll figure something out." I said, sketching a skirt in my sketchbook.

"Also, we'll call Simon before going shopping. How does that sound?" He asked.

"Good. It's a date, Styles." I smirked at him, before getting back at the task I had.

"What is your collection's theme?" He asked,  peeking in my sketchbook over my shoulder.

"It's a clothing line for pregnant women, who want to look trendy and stylish, yet be comfortable in what they are wearing." I said.

He hummed in response, so I continued,

"You know how maternity clothes are always like loose pants, loose shirts and dresses,etc. I just wanted to spice them up by making them fashionable and trendy, yet comfy."

"That's great. It's a unique idea." He said.

I sketched in silence for a few moments. Harry was sitting quietly, maybe scrolling on his phone. Only the scratch of my pencil over the paper was heard. I looked up at Harry and caught him staring at me.

"Hazza, what are you looking at?" I asked, blushing.

He didn't reply, he just kept staring.

I waved my hand in front of him.
He seemed to have noticed me trying to talk to me as he blinked a few times and looked at me questioningly.

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