Chapter Four

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We all dig into our plates as soon as everyone's plates are loaded with food. I take a bite of the lasagna and hum in contentment as it's almost been a year since I ate some food made by Mum.

My dad decided to break the silence, with a really awkward question according to Harry and I, but apparently everyone else found it funny. "So, Harry and Scarlett, have you guys properly met each other yet or are you still just saying hi?"

Harry and I gave each other a quick glance.
"We've met dad, talked about our occupations and stuff." I replied with a slight smile, although it was fake.

"Darling, why do you guys look slightly uncomfortable?" Anne asked, directing the question towards Harry and I. She might have sensed the slight shift in our moods.

"Oh, it's nothing Anne, they probably want some alone time. I think they are quite annoyed by how we always interrupt their conversations." My mum said chuckling slightly.

Everyone else also found it quite amusing other than Harry and I. Why does she always have to say something that makes me uncomfortable and awkward. I just decided to ignore her comment and continued savoring the delicious food on my plate. At least something was going great.

We all finished dinner pretty quickly and I helped mum clear the table. I decided not to say anything about what she said when we were having dinner. We all went to the living room, where Emily and Skylar were serving dessert to everyone. Dad had baked his famous chocolate cake. I told Dad that I was pretty full with dinner, and that I would have the cake in the morning and decided to head upstairs to our terrace garden after informing him.

I was in desparate need of some alone time right now.
I missed sitting on our little swing in our terrace garden and humming some of my favourite songs. Most of them included One Direction's songs. I strolled along the little path towards the swing and sat on it.

The feeling of the wind blowing in my hair reminded me of the times Andrew and I went on that little cliff overlooking the city, just to have some fresh air. I started humming the lyrics of 'If I could fly' to myself.

I was missing Andrew. The fact that he didn't give me any real reason as to why he broke up with me stung me like a knife. Was I a bad girlfriend? Was I not enough? And also, I couldn't believe that he was already moving on with someone else. I could feel hot tears stream down my cheeks, but I couldn't give a damn about it. I needed to let it all out. I was full on having a breakdown.

I was so distracted by my own thoughts that I didn't notice someone entering the terrace. It was then that I noticed Harry sitting beside me on the swing when it moved slightly. I was quick to wipe my tears away.

"Penny for your thoughts?" He asked, making me jump slightly. I remained silent, wiping at my tears which weren't stopping.

"I know we aren't that close, but, do you mind me asking why you are crying?" Harry asked, concern laced in his voice.

"Well, I don't know. Do you wanna hear a sad and boring breakup story?" I counter questioned him while wiping my tears.

"I would love to hear the reason as to why such a beautiful girl is crying. Besides, I am a good listener." He replied.

I slightly chuckled.
"You think I am beautiful?" I asked him.

"Of course you are. And even though we might have known each other just for less than a day, I think your personality is quite beautiful as well. You are not afraid to show any emotions." He replied.

In this very moment, I knew that this man has the most purest heart and any woman would be really lucky to have a gentleman like him. Oh! But, we are being forced into a marriage. Is he even ready for that? I decided to push my thoughts away when I felt him slightly touching my shoulder.

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