Chapter Eight

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Scarlett's POV :-

I kissed him again. I didn't feel this amount of butterflies even during my first kiss. I said bye to him and entered the door, gave him a small wave and closed the door behind me. I could hear him getting in his car and driving off.

"Letty!!!" Exclaimed Skylar.

"Jeez, Skylar, you scared me!!" I said, surprised.

"Hehe, do you have anything to tell this favourite brother of yours??" He asked, rather teasingly.

"No, and also, I won't be having dinner 'cause Harry and I had tacos at our favourite taco truck." I said moving towards the stairs.

"Skylar, is Scarlett home yet?" I heard my mum's voice from the kitchen.

"Yeah, Mom, I am home. And I am so sorry but I won't be having dinner." I replied to her.

"Letty, you can't even hide that, 'we kissed' expression!!" Skylar said laughing out loud as I made my way upstairs.

I froze in my spot and slowly turned around to face him, a flustered look on my face.

"How did you know?!" I asked him.

"I saw you both kissing in our driveway, duh. Oh, not kissing, making out." He said.

"Shut up, Skylar!! Please keep your voice down!!" I said swatting his arm.

I pulled him upstairs with me towards the terrace garden.

Once we reached I started speaking,
"Skylar, promise me you won't tell anyone. Let this be our secret. Please!" I asked him a bit dramatically.

"Ok, ok, no need to be dramatic little sissy. I have kept a lot of your secrets. We just added one more to the list" Skylar said laughing.

"Phew, thank god it was you who saw us. If it would've been Mum, she would've got us married tomorrow." I said sighing in relief. We shared a small laugh.

"Now, why don't you go rest. You must be tired. You've been out for like most of the day." Skylar said patting my head.

"Yeah, Good night, Skylar." I said and made my way downstairs, to my room.

I quickly took a shower, changed into a pair of comfy sweat pants and wore a loose tank top.
I went on with my skincare routine and made my way downstairs to get some hot chocolate. I felt like having hot chocolate, so why not.

I guess everyone else was in the living room, 'cause I heard a sports channel going on in the background and Noah's babbling, while everyone laughed.

I made the hot chocolate as quietly as possible and took my mug upstairs.

I sat on the little balcony in my room. My room had a small balcony, which has a proper view of our backyard and since, our house is a bit secluded, I can also stargaze from my balcony.

I remember, Dad and I used to sit here and he used to show me different constellations. He used to tell me their names and other information.

Many times, Dad and I just sat here enjoying each other's company. I would rest my head on his shoulders and fall asleep and then wake up magically in my bed. That was what I thought 'cause I wasn't even a teenager back then. It was later that I realised that Dad would carry me back to bed and tuck me in.

I was sipping on my hot chocolate, lost in my thoughts, when my phone rang. I saw the caller id, it was Harry. I smiled and immediately picked up the call.

"Hello, Scarlett." Harry said sweetly, like the sweetest person he is.

"Hello, Hazza. Did you make it home safely?" I asked him.

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