Chapter Six

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Soon, I called Rory to ask if he was free by 2. He said he was free and even Carol would join us. I congratulated him on his engagement, texted Bella to let her know that Rory would be joining us and decided to get ready.

I went into my walk-in closet and chose a simple yet cute dark Turkish blue sundress with intricate white design on it. I laid it out on my bed and found a pair of white sneakers to match the dress. Heels sounded very uncomfortable to me right now and also, Harry and I were gonna take a walk in the park, so I just went with sneakers.

I went to my dressing table and started to do some makeup. I went on with some mascara, eyeliner and nude lipstick. After my makeup was done, I got out my hair straightener and started with my hair. I was halfway through doing my hair when my phone rang on the bedside table. I went and saw that Harry was calling me. I picked up the call and greeted him smiling, even though he couldn't see me.

"Hello Harry." I said.

"Hey, Scarlett, is it ok with you if we meet early around 2 maybe? The work in the studio is almost finished so I thought, why not meet for lunch and then we could, you know, um, spend the day together. Um, Maybe go to the mall to get ice cream or something. And also maybe we can get coffee later and then go to the park like we decided. What do you think?" Harry rambled through the phone.
He sounded a lot nervous.

"Harry, Are you nervous? Calm down a bit. Why are you rambling?" I chuckled.

"Please just answer the question, Scarlett. We can talk about my nervousness later. Are you free for lunch and also will you be willing to spend the day with me?" Harry said nervously.

"Um, Hazz, I am actually going for lunch with some of my friends right now. But I feel like you should join us for lunch. And after that we can spend the day together. I would love to. Don't be nervous." I chuckled again.

"Oh, are you sure that I should join you? I feel like I would be imposing." Harry replied.

"Not at all, Harry. I am positive that you should join. Only if you are comfortable though. I don't wanna force you." I said.

"Ok then, I'll be there. Just text me the address where we are supposed to meet. Or wait. I just finished up in the studio. So, I can pick you up at your place? How does that sound?" Harry questioned.

"I would love that, Harry. I will see you in a bit then?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure. I'll be there in 20 minutes. Be ready." Harry said.

"Ok, bye Harry. See you soon." I said and hung up to start getting ready.

I soon finished doing my hair and carefully got into my dress. Got my sneakers on and found a plain white sling bag to keep my things in it. I also grabbed a pair of sunglasses.
Soon enough I got a call from Harry saying he was here. So, I quickly got out of my room, went downstairs, said bye to everyone and then left, ignoring Skylar's teasing comment saying, 'I couldn't wait till 5 to meet Harry and that's why we are meeting so early'. And that my friends, is the main reason why you shouldn't make plans in front of your family. Anyways.

I went outside and saw that Harry was holding the passenger side door open for me. Such a gentleman. He looked so handsome. He was wearing a half sleeves white button up, a few of the top buttons unbuttoned. I could see his cross necklace dangling from his neck. He was wearing black jeans, classic. And also, his Chelsea boots, can't forget those. He had a brown fedora hat on his head and a pair of Ray-Bans.

And God, did his looks absolutely kill me even though that's what he wears most of the time? Heck yes!!!! Wtf!!? Scarlett, you need to focus. I shook my head and gave him a bright smile and got in the car after mumbling thank you. He ran around the car and got in the driver's seat.

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