chapter 1

590 13 4

No motivation but whatever. Harry is 16 turning 17 next July 31st.

Fred is- Fred
George is- George

Hades!!!!'s pov (aka harrys)

For the past few days I've been getting weird food cravings, I dont know why. Food I mostly eat are not appetizing for me anymore and food that I never eat is

After a month (it was July now it is August, bear with me 😭) I started throwing up daily and had to wake up from slumber to throw up. Hermione after a while asked me to do a test, not any normal test...... A PREGNANCY TEST! Ther was no way I was pregnant! Yes I've heard about bearers but I never thought I'd be one! But, like always, Hermiones older sister instincts turning on.

Hermione went and bought one and brought it for me, and I took it after reading the steps. Nobody was home expect for me, hermione, and the twins.

After a few minutes I looked at it and my eyes widened! 2 lines showed you're pregnant and 1 line showed you're not, guess what I got? 2 LINES! I felt tears pricking in the corner of my eyes.

"Harry, you okay?!" I heard Hermione ask/yell when she heard me sobbing.

"T-two L-line..s...."

For a second I heard nothing until I heard fred and Georges voices and the door open (yes they know) they took me in their arms and looked at test to make sure they both weren't joking and, it, did indeed show 2 lines.

"Hey, shhh. It's okay, it's okay." Fred and George said at the same time.

" I- I have to run away! When they find out I'm pregnant and who the father is they will try and kill it or take advantage of it!"

"Hey! Shhh! It's okay we run away, all four of us. But, who is the other parent?" Said/asked fred

"Uhm..... its tom riddle also known...... as lord Voldemort...." I said quietly but the three of them heard me and gasped.

"HOW???" Yelled hermione.

"The.... bar... hehehh...." I said quietly.

" I knew I shouldn't have left you alone!" Yelled Hermione.

"Yeah, you shouldn't have" said George, fred nodding.

She glared at them.

"We should get to packing before they come back!" I said hurriedly before a fight broke out.

"Yeah" "we should" said fred and george

Words: 403

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