Chapter 7!

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(YN) rubbed his head with a dry towel. His office attire was switched into more casual clothes that he usually wore at home. He no longer was sweaty as he just took a shower prior to changing clothes.

He made his way to the living room. Exiting the corridor to his room, he saw Sana sitting at a table near the living room however, she wasn't alone. The baby was wide awake and on her lap.

A bowl of baby food was on the table in front of them. Sana was holding the baby still on one hand while the other was holding onto a spoon. As (YN) got closer, he could hear her voice mumble things to the baby as it ate.

"Here comes the airplane, say ahh~" He heard her say. Sana didn't notice (YN)'s presence so he decided to watch for a moment. He watched as Sana make different noises to appease and feed the baby without it moving much.

The spoon she held turned from an airplane into food filled train. Unconsciously, a small smile formed on his lips. Sana looked like she truly liked taking care of the child. He couldn't be so sure though since she hasn't experienced the troubles of the task.

She hasn't experienced the loud cries in the middle of the night, changing its diapers multiple times throughout the day and taking more care of it if the baby got sick somehow. Add that to her job then maybe she'll stress out.

(YN) didn't want that to happen but Sana doesn't want to give the child away too. He pushed the thought to the back of his head, maybe he can figure it out on another day. All he wanted to do now was relax and there was nothing that could happen to stop him from doing so.

"How long have you been standing there?" He heard Sana ask.

"Long enough to hear you turn into a plane and a train." (YN) answered with a chuckle, clearly teasing her.

"I-i see.." Sana mumbled as she looked away from him feeling a little embarrassed. (YN) moved off the wall he was leaning on and made his way towards the living room.

(YN) set himself on the couch. He leaned on its soft cushions before leaning forward to grab the TV remote placed on the coffee table. After turning on the TV, he searched through the many channels to find anything interesting to watch.

He glanced at Sana and the infant she carried. She was already away from the table and now in the kitchen where she placed the empty bowl in the sink.

Sana approached the living room and also sat on the couch with the baby on her lap. There was a massive gap between (YN) and her.

(YN) settled on watching the news. He watched through the headlines and stories they were going to report tonight.

The pair watched the news in a comfortable silence, it was something the pair was accustomed to. Looking at the Tv screen, (YN) didn't realize that something was already trying to climb his thigh. He felt small hands on the fabric of the soft jogging pants he wore.

He glanced down and found the baby staring back up at him with curiousity filled eyes. (YN) was confused as the baby made incoherent sounds at him and softly pushed his leg with all of its might.

"Looks like he wants to play with you." He looked over to his housemate who was facing him. She reached over to the child to adjust the small blue shirt he wore.

Sana shifted herself closer and helped the baby move up to (YN)'s leg.
Sana's housemate stayed still as new weight was placed onto his lap.

"Bwa..Bwa.." He heard the baby mumble. The infant held onto his shirt and tugged on it.

"Sana, get him off me."

"What? He wants to play with you so why should I?" Sana asked before leaning in slightly towards the infant.

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